Page 44 of Remy

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She stared up into his eyes. “Obviously.”

“Can I get something for you?”

She held up two spoons and gave him a hint of a smile, her eyelids at half-mast. “I got what I came for.”

If she’d come to get him all hot and bothered, she’d accomplished her mission. “Sit at the table. I’ll bring the gumbo to you,” he said in a gruff voice.

“Yes, sir,” she said with a saucy grin. She turned. As she left the kitchen with her spoons, she deliberately brushed his arm with her breasts.

Remy leaned his head back, holding his breath until Shelby exited the kitchen.

While she set the table with placemats, silverware and glasses, Remy scooped rice into two bowls and layered gumbo over the top. He carried the bowls to the small dining table and set them on the placemats.

“Mmm,” Shelby sniffed. “Just like Madame Gautier makes.”

He frowned. “The Voodoo Queen made you gumbo?”

“She did.”

Remy held a chair for Shelby. “You said you’re friends with her granddaughter?”

Shelby sank into the seat. “I am.”

“Does your friend practice Voodoo as well?”

“Some.” Shelby lifted her spoon. “But she doesn’t advertise the fact. People get all weird when you tell them you practice Voodoo. A lot of it is just working with natural remedies.”

“And shrinking willy spells.” Remy shook his head as he took his seat across from Shelby. “Remind me not to get sideways with either one of them.”

“You really believe in all that magic?”

“No, but I prefer to hedge my bets and play it safe.

Shelby grinned, dipped her spoon into the gumbo, took a small bite and moaned.

The sound had Remy’s cock straining against his jeans. Thankfully, he was seated.

Shelby ate half the bowl of gumbo before laying down her spoon. “It’s so good, but I can’t keep my eyes open.”

“Go to bed,” Remy said.

“You cooked,” she said. “I should clean.”

He shook his head. “You’re still recovering. I’ll take care of the kitchen. You should sleep.”

She yawned. “I’m not going to argue.”

“That’s refreshing,” he said with a grin as he gathered his bowl and hers and headed into the kitchen.

“Smart ass,” she muttered as she pushed to her feet. “The sheets are clean in the daisy room, and there are fresh towels in the guest bathroom. Make yourself at home. I’m done for the night.” She stood at the entrance to the kitchen, her eyelids drooping. “Thank you for dinner. I haven’t had a home-cooked meal since the last time Chrissy invited me over.”

After he set the bowls on the counter, he crossed to her. “You’re welcome. My grandmother thought good food and sleep could cure anything.”

“She was a smart woman.” Shelby touched his chest. “Thanks for being here. I might not have shown my appreciation, but I am glad you’re here.”

He brushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear. “I’m glad I’m here, too.” He bent and brushed his lips across hers.

Her hand rose from his chest to circle the back of his neck, bringing him closer.
