Page 48 of Remy

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“But they took you to the hospital in the city. Grand-mère says that hospital has bad juju.”

“She may have been right.”

Gisele nodded. “Seriously?”

Shelby nodded. “Someone tried to smother me while I was lying in a coma.”

“They should’ve brought you to Grand-mère.” Gisele took her hands. “She loves you like her own.”

“That’s very sweet of her,” Shelby said. “Please thank her for thinking of me.” She stared at her friend. “What brings you here?’

“Do I need a reason to visit my friend who has been brutalized?”

“Not at all,” Shelby hugged Gisele again. “But you look like a woman on a mission.”

“I am,” she admitted. “Grand-mère wanted you to know the Fontenots are having a party at their compound in the bayou for Pierre Fontenot, who is celebrating his one hundredth birthday. All the Fontenots and their friends will be there tonight. You’ll have all of them in one place to ask questions about the night you were attacked.”

“Tonight?” Shelby asked. “Do you have to be invited?”

Gisele shook her head. “No, but it’s polite to take a covered dish. They’re having a crawfish and crab boil, and some of the cousins are in a zydeco band.”

Shelby looked to Remy.

He nodded. “We can go. I can whip up something edible to take with us.”

Shelby smiled. “Thanks.”

Gisele hugged Shelby again. “I’m glad you’re doing better. You scared us all.”

“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. They haven’t got me down yet.”

“Good.” Gisele hugged her again. “I have to get the gift shop open, or I’d stay longer. I’ll see you two tonight.”

“You’ll be there?” Shelby asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Gisele smiled. “Love me some zydeco music, and I want to keep an eye on my cousin Lissette. She’s been stirring up trouble lately, using some of Grand-mère’s potions for bad juju.”

Shelby frowned. “Should I be concerned?”

“Only if you’re a man. She’s trying out love potions on unsuspecting dudes. When it doesn’t work out, she gives them swamp warts.”

Shelby shot a glance toward Remy. “Should Remy be worried?”

The man’s hand slipped low to cover his crotch. “Yeah, should I be worried?”

Gisele laughed, the sound as light and beautiful as the woman. “Not as long as you carry a gris-gris to protect you.” She dug into the pocket of her colorful dress, pulled out a tiny cloth bag and handed it to Remy. “Carry this with you at all times.”

His brow wrinkled as he took the bag about the size of a quarter and held it up to his nose. “What’s in it?”

Gisele’s pretty smile disappeared as she donned her Voodoo priestess role she used when selling items in her Mamba Wamba gift shop to tourists. “Ingredients designed to protect the one who carries it.”

Shelby almost laughed at the way Remy’s eyes rounded.

While Remy looked down at the bag in his hand, Gisele winked at Shelby.

“See you tonight,” Gisele said and left.

Remy’s gaze followed Gisele out to the scooter she climbed aboard and turned out onto the street. As she took off, her long, flowing skirt flared out behind her. She looked like a beautiful witch taking off on her broom. Only it wasn’t a broom but her beloved Vespa.
