Page 68 of Remy

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“You never told me exactly what happened between you and Remy during that storm, but I bet Alan a hundred dollars you two did it.”

“Chrissy!” Shelby’s hand stopped in mid-smear over a piece of garlic bread.

“It’s not like we’re children, or I’m your mother. You’re a grown woman with needs and desires. Remy’s a good-looking guy. You’ve had a crush on him since forever. It adds up. One plus one makes whoopee.” She grinned. “And what triggered the memory?” She raised her hand. “No, let me guess…you remembered in the middle of making love.”

Heat flooded Shelby’s cheeks.

Chrissy clapped her hands. “Mama’s buying a new purse. Alan is convinced nothing happened between you two.” She hugged Shelby. “I’m so happy for you. Remy’s a good man.”

* * *

“Just because we’ve had sex twice doesn’t mean we’re halfway down the aisle to wedded bliss.”

“No?” Chrissy raised an eyebrow. “I predict it will happen within the next year. No, make that six months. You two aren’t getting any younger. You’ll have to start popping out babies right away before your eggs all shrivel up.”

Remy chose that moment to come through the back door with Gerard, both carrying a box full of tools.

Shelby’s cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Remy frowned. “Are you all right?”

“She’s fine,” Chrissy said. “Healthy as a broodmare.”

Shelby swatted her sister. “Ignore her. My sister has lost her mind.” She laid the last slice of garlic bread in a basket, covered it with a cloth and wiped her hands on a paper towel. “Got everything we’ll need?”

He nodded.

“You two should stay for dinner,” Chrissy said. “I made plenty.”

“Thanks,” Remy said, “but we’ll pass. I want to get these deadbolts installed before dark.”

Chrissy smiled. “Understood. We’ll have more opportunities in the future to have you over for dinner. Stay safe.”

Gerard and Remy carried the boxes out to the truck.

“Tell Alan thanks for the use of his tools,” Shelby said. “We’ll get them back to him as soon as possible.”

“No worries.” Chrissy hugged her. “Please be safe. I love you so much and look forward to our children growing up together."

“Seriously, Chris, don’t count the chickens yet.” She kissed her sister’s cheek. “I love you, too.” Shelby hurried outside and climbed into the truck.

Remy’s cell phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and answered the call. “Hey, Hank, hold on, I’m putting you on speaker. I’m here with Shelby.”

“Remy, it’s Swede. I’m just following up on the people whose names you gave to Hank.”

“What did you find?”

“Simon Fontenot, nothing more than a speeding ticket. Ethan Fontenot has a couple of speeding tickets and a record of indebtedness. He had a vehicle repossessed and has been turned over to a collection agency for thirty-five thousand dollars of credit card debt. He’s behind on his rent, and the landlord has filed an eviction notice.”

“The sheriff found Ethan dead in his house today,” Remy said.

“Suicide?” Swede asked.

“No,” Remy said. “Murder.”

“Loan shark collecting on his debt?” Swede asked.

Remy described how Ethan had been found.
