Page 64 of The Rough Rider

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And again when he’d apologized to her that her pregnancy wasn’t the same as Tag and Nelly’s.

And she wasn’t even sad about that. She’d made her bed as far as she was concerned. The fact that she wasn’t in a committed relationship, and had had to solve her issue accordingly...that was her problem.

But he felt bad about it. He wanted something easier and better for her than she had.

And the only people in her life that really felt that way about her were her sisters. And that just made it all seem...special. Very special.

She moved down the line, to the next sheet of tin, punching and punching until she had the whole row done.

“Well, look at that,” Gus said. “You did a damn fine job.”

She looked up, feeling like she had been caught thinking about him, because she had been. But he didn’t know that.

“Thank you,” she said.

“I didn’t know you did this kind of thing.”

“I don’t. We watched a video online, and I volunteered to do it. They’re going on the cabinets inside.”

“Great. Want me to show you how to mount them?”

“Me?” she asked.

“I’ll let you use power tools.” He grinned and she felt a strange buzzing feeling down in her toes. She curled them tightly in her shoes and tried to ignore it.

“Excellent,” she said.

And he picked up the sheets of punched tin, one by one, and they headed into the tack area, where they were mounting them on the cabinet doors.

“This is going to look great,” he said.

“Brody’s rigging it up and putting lights in it so that it’ll glow like punched-tin lanterns. Isn’t that neat?”

“I knew I was right putting him in charge of renovation. He’s good at that stuff.”

“Brody is a whole thing,” Alaina said.

There was no other way to describe Brody. He was charming. And he was devastatingly handsome. If she’d known him better, he might have been the one she’d had a crush on back when she’d gotten fixated on Hunter.

“Yeah, you like that type,” Gus said.

Not an accusation, just a statement of fact. And he got a drill out, and started buzzing it, and it vibrated through her, along with her irritation.

She didn’t want Gus to act like he knew anything about her. It made her huffy.

“What do you mean by that?” she asked, feeling sniffy.

“Pretty boys,” he grunted.

“Pretty boys?”

“Like Hunter. Like Brody. Like Travis.”

She sputtered. “Oh. Does anybody...not like people who are pretty?”

“Some people have apreference,” he said, waving the drill in her direction before going back to work. “That’s all I’m saying.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line. “Right. Well, anyway, show me what to do.”
