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She gaped at him. This was worse than riding the Tilt-A-Whirl at the county fair. She couldn’t decide if she was having the time of her life or if she was going to puke. “You’re scaring me,” she whispered.

He joined her in front of the fireplace, scooped her into his arms, and went back to the sofa, settling her in his lap. He nuzzled her temple. She rested her cheek over his heart, feeling the steady thump.

When he sighed deeply, she felt the rise and fall of his hard, muscular abdomen. “Well, we can’t have that. Don’t be scared, sweetheart. The only scary thing to me is that I might be making assumptions about you and your feelings. If I’m not what you’re looking for in a man, you can say so.”

She punched his arm. Hard. “Don’t be ridiculous.” What she couldn’t get past was the idea that Brit might think he wasrescuingher. “I’ve been happy here, Brit. Blossom Branch is home, and I love it. Still, the thought of traveling the world with you is exciting.”


“But I hate the idea that you feel sorry for me.”

He moved her over beside him so they could communicate eye to eye. “That’s absurd. If anything, you’re the one who has saved me. You’ve kept me grounded, even though you may not have realized it.”

“That doesn’t even make sense,” she said, searching his face for reassurance.

He cupped her cheeks in his hands for a moment and gave her a quick kiss. “I nearly lost myself, Laney...when my career began in earnest. It’s easy to do. Suddenly, people are throwing money at you and telling you how wonderful you are. There were days when I looked at myself in the mirror and barely recognized the man I was becoming. But rememberingushelped.”

“So what changed?”

“When I came home for my grandmother’s funeral and spent the night with you, I finally felt like me again. Brit Sheffield, country boy. Not Britain Sheffield, the actor. When I’m with you, the world makes sense. I don’t know how else to say it.”

There was no doubting the sincerity in his voice and in his gaze.

“You really mean it, don’t you?” It was hard to wrap her head around this kind of sea change in her life.

His smile was gentle but tinged with sexy intent. “You supported your mother, Laney, for years. You’ve been an integral part of this community. But now it’s time for someone to spoilyou. Let me be that person. It’s a two-way street, except that you’ll be giving me far more than I can ever return.”

She tried to look at him like a stranger would. The broad shoulders, the beautiful hair, the emerald eyes that melted a woman’s resolve. “What happens if I come to Italy and we find out we hate living together, that we irritate each other?”

Brit laughed, his eyes dancing with humor. “I’m willing to take the chance. And I’m betting on the fact that Italy is too darned romantic. You won’t be able to resist either of us.”

“And the L word we’re afraid to talk about?”

He reached for her and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly, stroking her hair. “Love is love whether we name it or not. If we try this and it’s not what you want, I’ll trust you to tell me the truth.”

She pulled back, teary-eyed, and smiled at him. “The truth is, you’ve always been my fantasy, Brit. I guess we’ll just have to see if reality is as good.”

His eyes flared in shock as he processed her words. “Thank God,” he muttered. He kissed her hard. Laney exulted in his warmth, his passion.

Eventually, they had to come up for air. Brit’s cheekbones were flushed. Laney felt rumpled and flustered.

She ran her hand over his stubbly chin. “I won’t be able to leave immediately. I’ll have to turn in my two-week’s notice.”

He grumbled under his breath and then kissed her again. “I won’t let you change your mind.”

“Fair enough.” She pressed her lips to his softly, letting her kiss express all she was feeling. “I’m sorry about Mr. Tom, but I’m glad he brought you back to me.”

Brit shook his head. “I was coming anyway, Laney. Very soon. Coming to steal you away. At least that’s what I was hoping.”

She laid her head on his shoulder and felt the future unfurl in brilliant, amazing color. “You’re an actor, Brit. You should know better than anyone that timing is everything. I won’t regret our past, and I don’t want you to, either.”

“You swear you’ll come to Italy?”

“I swear.” She curled her fingers with his. “I can’t wait to see how this movie turns out...”

He laughed ruefully. “Well, you’re writing the plot, not me. ’Cause I want that happy ending you promised.”

“That’s a lot of pressure,” she complained, feeling so happy and lighthearted she might float up to the ceiling.

“You can handle it, my sweet Laney. I have faith in you.”

Now it was her turn to feel the world shift into sharp focus. “Correction,” she said. “I have faith inus.”
