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Harry went on. “You have a good heart, Cate. Whatever you decide to do next, wherever you go, you’re going to be fine. More than fine.”

Tears threatened again, but this time, they were born of positive emotion. “Thank you,” she said, scrambling to her feet and blinking away the evidence of how much his words had rocked her. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

Harry stood and pulled his shirt down, but not before she glimpsed his flat stomach and sculpted abs. The sight gobsmacked her. She’d often thought of him as a cerebral businessman. Clearly, she hadn’t appreciated the whole package. Not that she meantpackagein the masculine sense.Oh, Lord.

He eyed her with a smile. “Are we done punching things?”

“Oh, yes. It was therapeutic, but I can already tell I’ll be sore tomorrow. Worth it, though. Definitely worth it.”

In the elevator, she felt remarkably awkward. Yet at the same time, her gratitude toward Harry overwhelmed her.

As he unlocked the door and they entered the apartment, she turned to him impulsively. “Would you like to watch a movie? I saw microwave popcorn in your kitchen.”

Harry hesitated. In much the same way Jason had at their wedding. That tiny physical “tell” crushed her.

His face was oddly blank. “Unfortunately, I still have work to do,” he said, jingling his keys in his hand. “I’ve gotten a little behind this week.”

Because I’ve been busy rescuing your pitiful, sorry ass.

He didn’t say those words aloud, but he might as well have.

Once again, the gap between them grew. Harry the confident, successful architect, and Cate, who—from his perspective—was too young, too immature, too everything.

She swallowed the pain and smiled cheerily, though her facial movements felt wooden. “No worries. I think I’ll have a girls’ night. Redo my manicure, watchThe Bachelor.”

Cate was desperate to escape, but Harry stood between her and the hallway.

He frowned. “One last thing. I need you to know that you can stay here as long as you want. Going back to your parents’ house doesn’t sound like a good option. Nor is Jason’s place, obviously. But until you have a plan, it doesn’t make sense to rent an apartment or buy a house. My place is huge. I work all the time. I’ll barely notice you’re here.”

I’ll barely notice you’re here.There it was again.

Cate winced inwardly. Harry hadn’t intended his words to be hurtful. He was only trying to help.

But the inference was clear. She wasn’t really on his radar.

Why that pained her...why that mattered, she wasn’t exactly sure.

“Thank you,” she said. Easing past him, she headed for her temporary quarters. “Good night, Harry.”

The next morning Cate made two phone calls she had been dreading. Actually, she chickened out and texted.

Any chance you’re both free for lunch today?

Leah answered first.

Yes! Just tell me where and when!

Gabby’s reply came a couple of minutes later.

I’m slammed but I could do The Creperie at one.

Cate was unsettled to realize she’d been hoping they would both say no. Why? They were her dearest friends.

Unfortunately, she still felt raw. Like a fresh wound exposed to the elements, her emotional state was tender. Her friends would want explanations. She had no idea what to say.

Nevertheless, she had to do this.

Works for me, she said.
