Page 106 of Brooklyn Cupid

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I’m grateful to be acknowledged and taken care of. But even more so to be gifted with a person like her.

This is the strangest thing about life. You have money, friends, a good job, and future plans. And when you are running on a Brooklyn street with a dart rifle, chasing a fugitive, you don’t even know that the girl getting out of a random cab is your dream girl. You still have no clue when you shoot her by accident.

A prodigy sniper missing a shot for the first time in years—that’s gotta be a serious sign.

But you still snooze when she smiles at you, and there’s a shift in you, like you just stepped into an unknown territory. Your heart does an excited flip when she laughs and says you are cute, but you’re still clueless. And only weeks later, when you know her by heart like you’ve been best friends since childhood, do you realize that this is it, her,the one.

I’m so fucking in love. I crave touching her and being touched, something most people take for granted. I crave the casualness of doing it every day, something I never experienced as an orphan.

I dream. I want a happily ever after, want a cute little apartment, or a villa on a Thai island, with a huge studio where Lu can paint without being afraid to ruin the floors. Paint on the walls, ceilings if she so chooses to, or my body. I’ll take paint. And her. All of her.

I want to kiss her again. So bad it hurts. Every cell of my body is alive, sensing her across several walls and two doors as I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

Her scent is in my nostrils. Flowery soap and paint. I want to bottle it.

I lick my lips, trying to trap her taste.

I think I’m going insane.

She’s probably in bed, in her underwear and a T-shirt. Or pajamas? I would’ve given a million bucks just to be next to her, watch her sleep, and study her up close when she’s unaware.

I just didn’t have the fucking audacity to say, “Hey, Lu, I’m crazy about you. Can I sleep in your bed? Nothing funny, I just feel like I’ll fall apart if I don’t watch you breathe. Never mind my creepy stare all through the night, or my boner that won’t go away.”

Instead, I was a gentleman.

I’m in a New York State of mind—that’s what they call it. They say every city has a heart. New York’s is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is her. And my heart is where she is.

I wish I lived in this city. I wish I had a chance for something more than just a hookup.

I wish, I wish, I wish.

There are so many wishes, and one is clear as day—I want Lu. With me. Next to me. In my life.

She deserves better than a guy who lied his way into her house. She lets people into her life so easily. And here I am, just like that shady John Temple who Em is falling in love with.

But then I realize that I can’t let this get away. I want to kiss her every morning when she gets up and make her coffee and learn how to cook so I can make dinners for her. I don’t want her to worry about money, I have plenty. I want her to create beautiful art, and I want to inspire her to write unforgettable characters.

There’s this constant wanting with her.

I need a distraction, and my favorite one lately isSharki.

@MidnightLu released the new chapter earlier today, but before I got a chance to read it, she invited me for dinner.

Story Den it is.

My heart pumps nervously as I start reading about Em and John being attacked in their apartment. Em doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence. I’m sure it’s not. It has to do with her past that’s slowly being revealed through John’s conversations she eavesdropped on.

I don’t care about the plot anymore. I want more of Em and John together, more of her feelings.

And @MidnightLu delivers.

The attack earlier today left me shaken, but all my thoughts are about John.

We were being attacked, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Accountants don’t fight like this. They don’t disarm five guys in minutes and beat them to a pulp.

I lie in bed, trying to calm my nerves. And all I can think of is John’s hands cupping my face after he got rid of the thugs, his soft whisper, “It’s alright. It’s alright, baby. It’s alright.”


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