Page 200 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Love and doves? How about love and bullets and a missed sedative shot that spun our lives out of control and gifted me with Lu?

“Lu, you are…”

With all the emotions flooding me, I can’t even finish the sentence.

“You are my Cupid,” she murmurs, “with a gun,” and kisses me again.

1 “???!” — (Russian)“Wow!”

2 “?? ???.” — (Russian)“Look at that.”

3 “Aaaaaa. ??, ????????????.”— (Russian)“Aaah. Well, hello.”

4 “???.” — (Russian)“Drink.”

5 “????.” — (Russian)“Bitch.”

6 “?, ???” — (Russian)“Oh, yeah?”

7 “????? ???????? ???? ??????.” — (Russian)“Don’t be fucking shooting at others.”

8 “?? ??? ? ?? ???????.”— (Russian)“To us and special forces.”

9 “?????? ???.”— (Russian)“Tough dude.”

10 “?????? ? ??????.” — (Russian)“Love and doves.”



When you survive a kidnapping,a gun to your face from a man you’ve known since childhood, a boat chase, and the man of your dreams saving you, well, you know the universe aced it.

Oh, and my biological father.

His gaze is tense when he meets us at the marina, three black cars parked at the gates.

“Lucy, I need to explain,” he says without looking at anyone but me.

“It’s alright,” I blurt and scoot closer to Jace. “Maybe tomorrow.”

There’s hurt in his eyes. But I am yet to find out the details of the story that got me kidnapped.

Jace’s arm around my shoulders tightens. “Want a minute with your father?”

“No.” I shake my head. “Let’s go home.”

There are several other guys standing around in bulletproof vests and duty belts. I don’t know who they are, but I know my Jace is stronger than a legion of them. He didn’t even have a gun when he saved me.

Jace nods to them. “Reznik is in the emergency raft, tied up. Alex will show you.”

One of the guys gives Jace a smirk that’s almost half-playful as he walks by, and Jace whispers to him, “Suck it, Amon.”

A pickup truck pulls up to the curb with a screech. Roey jumps out of it, in a bullet proof vest—whoa, Becky would love the sight of this—and hurries up to Jace. Not me, not my father—Jace. His eyes scan Jace’s body and pause on his bloodied shirt.

“What you got here, brother? Let me see.”

“I’m fine.” Jace tries to fight him off, but Roey won’t have it. “Hold fucking still, Shooter.”
