Page 29 of Brooklyn Cupid

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He thinks he is my punishment. But I’ll make him my kryptonite, growing stronger every day until I have the power to destroy him.

This beautiful beast.

The head of the Bratva mafia.

Konstantin Orlov.

I stand naked in front of him, weak from his touch and the sweet invasion of his fingers, my mind simmering with rage but my body craving more of him.

Hate is a weapon. And I’ll fight with everything I’ve got until he’s dead.

My hands ball into fists. “You think the scariest shade of darkness is pitch black, Konstantin? You’ll learn that the worst of it is red, bright red, the color of your blood, and the color of the blazing fire I’m going to burn you in until you turn to ash.”

His chuckle is sinister.

“Are fires red in America? Because in Russian, they are orange-yellow. Welcome to my Motherland.”

He brings his fingers that were just stroking me between my legs to his mouth and licks them, one by one, his full lips sucking them dry, his steel gaze locked with mine.

“So sweet, my future wife.” His whisper sends chills over my bare skin, all the way down to my burning core. “I’m looking forward to watching us burn together,katsiónak.”

The end of the third chapter makes me look forward to the next one.


Lu is actually a good writer. Her language is poetic and the banter between the characters is fantastic.

I read on, and two more chapters in, I’m invested in Konstantin and Eva’s story, though Eva is way too mouthy, and Konstantin needs to tame it down and learn to listen. He also needs to learn that shooting another man’s kneecap is not a solution to his newly found excessive jealousy.

Then the smut kicks in. With a bang, literally.

The fire from the explosion flares behind us as Konstantin sets me on the hood of his LaFerrari Aperta.

Why someone would have a sports car in Siberia in the winter is puzzling, but I read on.

He opens my chinchilla fur coat and pushes my legs apart, kneeling between them, the flickers of the blaze dancing in his smoldering eyes.

“You are not a good listener, Eva, are you? Look what you made me do.”

I can’t look behind me because all I want lately is to look into his onyx eyes. Especially when they are so close. When they take my breath away.

Emotions bubble inside me, the lust I never knew, the craving for the man I hate, the need to touch him, feeling invincible when I do as if his power is contagious.


Would you want it if it came from the person you loathe?

Is it loathing when you want him so much?

Is it simple want when you feel the world fall apart when he steps out of sight?

The air burns between us.

He knows what I’m thinking. I know he does.

The sparkle in his eyes is dangerous but, oh, so irresistible, when he pulls my panties to the side, leans in, and drags his tongue along my soaked folds, making me whimper with need.

