Page 51 of Brooklyn Cupid

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“Yes.” Becky stretches her hand out to Roey for a shake with fake reluctance, like she’s bothered, though I know she’s collecting herself. All three of us are.

“This is Lu,” Jace says.

Roey’s hand is big, but his handshake is gentle.

“Nice to meet you, Lu.”

The way he looks at me is different from the charged gaze he was giving Becky a second ago. It’s almost cold. Professional?

Tito shifts in his seat. “I’m Tito, just in case. I’m here, too.” He waves, leering at Roey, until Roey stretches his hand across the table, which leaves Tito no choice but to shake it.

Becky flicks a strand of her hair, elegantly taking a sip of her Martini and motioning with her eyes to Roey. “Sweetie, take a seat.”

He slowly turns to face her, slightly towering over her. The bar is packed. There’s barely any room to stand.

“There are no chairs.” He smiles and adds, “Sweetie.”

“It’s just a little hard to breathe when there’s so much of you”—she waves around—“in my personal space.”

Roey’s lips stretch in a gorgeous smile. “Already taking your breath away, huh?”

I stifle a chuckle.

Her eyes flash at him with indignation, and she gives him an up-and-down look with a cocked brow.

“Wanna sit on my lap?” he offers.

Oh, he’s way more straightforward than Becky. Yep, Jace won.

“In your dreams,” she blurts.

“Careful there. I make my dreams come true.”

He grins at her, and I’m surprised she doesn’t roll her eyes. But I swear I hear a sound—his skin sizzling as Becky burns him with her stare.

He smiles, turning away from her, and taps the table. “Drinks?”

After taking Tito and Jace’s orders, he walks off.

Jace smiles into his empty glass.

Tito grins at Becky. “What a stud, huh?”

She stares at Jace as if waiting for an explanation of how Roey is possibly his friend.

Roey comes back with the drinks, setting one down in front of Becky too.

She cocks her head. “I didn’t tell you what I drink.”

He shrugs. “The bartender did.”

I like this guy. Anyone who can knock the air out of Becky has my respect.

“What do you do, Roey?” I ask.

He cheers me with his beer. “Sales.”

“Like Jace?”
