Page 52 of Daddy Defends

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It felt so good to be a good girl. Sure, it felt even betterto be called a good girl by Daddy, but doing her chores and sticking to her regimen was surprisingly satisfying.

Breakfast. Yoga. Tooth brushing. Drawing. Play time. Lunch.

It was like she was working through a checklist, and each time she finished something it was an accomplishment.

Her yoga was improving. She’d never had a problem with flexibility — she’d been blessed with a naturally flexible physique, and she’d been practicing for years. No, for her, the trouble came with staying with the breath, and being present. Her mind tended to wander, flitting from problem to problem like an anxious butterfly. Anxious breathing always weakened her core.

Today though, the butterfly felt a little more relaxed than normal, and her core felt stronger.

If she wanted to be a good yoga teacher, she needed to connect with that well of inner peace she knew was inside her, and developing a calm practice of her own was crucial for that.

After lunch, she watched a couple of videos about confidence, and made some notes on ideas to help her with her own teaching style.

Esme even managed to avoid touching herself all day long — Daddy was going to be so proud of her. By the time Rainer was due back, she’d almost convinced herself that under the right circumstances, maybe shecouldteach a class. A one-on-one class, maybe, but still it would be something.

“That’s amazing,” Rainer said, after she’d told him about her day. “You’re a superstar.” She always loved the way he smelled after working at the garage. It was like he’d sprayed himself withEssence of Man. She must have been going crazy to find the smell of gasoline and engine grease to be so good.

“I’m so grateful for your help,” Esme said. “Oh, and Om Baby has been doing down dog all day long.” She’d gotten into the habit of updating Rainer on her stuffie each day. She liked to shift Om Baby around into a cheeky pose while her Daddy was out so that he was surprised when he got home.

“She’d doing very well,” Rainer replied.

“So, so, so, do I deserve to have a super-fun, exciting time tonight?” Esme grabbed Rainer’s hand and tugged it gently, trying to get him to agree.

“I think so.” He paused for a moment. “Darling, you trust me, don’t you?”

Esme felt a pang of nerves. “I do.”

“Good. Then let’s get ready. We’re going out!”


Esme hadn’t been out with Rainer before. It felt so good. She knew that it was a little vain and silly, but it was amazing to have such a handsome-looking man on her arm. She still felt as though she didn’t deserve to be with him, which is why going out in public made it feel so real.

He was telling the world that he wanted to be with her.

They had dinner at this funky diner-style place in Manhattan. The burgers were thick and the shakes were thicker. The best part of the dinner, though, was seeing Rainer enjoy himself. They were laughing and joking, and everything felt natural.

“Truth is,” Rainer said as he finished his burger, “I could study cuisine for literally ten years, cook every day, learn from the best chefs in the universe, and I’d never make something even half as tasty as this simple cheeseburger.”

“That was a good one, though,” Esme said. “It was like, the Daddy of all cheeseburgers.”

“The Daddy, huh?”


“What am I?”

“You’re the Daddy of all Daddies.”

Esme felt almost in a daze when they left, like everything in the world was finally going her way.

“Do you miss your streaming?” Rainer asked as they walked down the street. The lights were twinkling, and the feeling of possibility was all around.

“Kinda,” Esme admitted. They had their arms linked at the elbow, and she was leaning lightly on her Daddy as he led the way. “I was building a community. I might go back to it at some point, but the stalker guy freaked me out. It’s scary to think that he managed to get all my personal information that easily.”

Rainer nodded. “Remember, if you want to take it up again, I’ll help you keep secure.”
