Page 50 of Yes Daddy

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Peach stood in front of the bed, peeling off her clothes, including her underwear. She let it all drop to the floor. She considered finding a bathroom and taking a shower, but she could still smell his aftershave on her skin, and she liked that. She could feel his cum seeping out from between her legs too. She liked that even more. She climbed onto the bed, lying naked on the rose petals, sighing deeply.

“What’s a girl to do?”

She looked up at the high ceiling, with a huge ceiling rose and chandelier in the center, and she allowed herself to enjoy this.

She wasn’t meant to touch herself without her Daddy’s permission, but surely just this once he wouldn’t mind? They’d gotten married today. He’d told her to wait for him here. He’d made the place more romantic than Paris. Surely he had this in mind for her.

She gently sucked her finger, then trailed it down her nipple, her belly, her pubic mound. She touched her clit, rubbing her own moisture onto it. She closed her eyes, wriggling and gasping as the passion overtook her. Her plan was to make herself come as many times as she possibly could before Isaac returned…

But she didn’t even manage it once.

“Hey,” he said, walking into the room, barely looking at her. He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.

Peach squealed and jerked her hand away from her pussy, embarrassed at being caught. “It’s not what it looks like, Daddy,” she panted, crawling under the covers and pulling them up to her neck. “I was just feeling for my IUD. Checking it was in place.”

Still, Isaac seemed to hardly notice her. “It didn’t work. The plan didn’t work. This whole thing has been a disaster.”

A disaster.

Peach didn’t know what Isaac was talking about exactly, but his words stung. Was that how he sawher? A disaster?

He reached into the inside of his jacket pocket and threw down two plane tickets on the mattress. “We were meant to be going here for our honeymoon. Tickets to Europe. A luxury cruise, starting in Spain.” He looked at her, his hard eyes softening slightly. “Twiddly music, pink drinks, and juicy oranges. That’s what you said you liked, didn’t you?”

“A honeymoon in Europe?” Peach said, her eyes wide. She’d told him early on that she’d always wanted to go. That’s one of the reasons he let her stay in his Mediterranean-inspired mansion. But this gesture… a honeymoon in Europe… it was beyond romantic. Or at least, it would have been… if it didn’t sound like he was trying to tell her that it was all over.

“It’s very kind of you,” said Peach, trying not to sound disappointed, “but honestly, don’t worry about it. It sounds like you’ve gone off the idea.” She paused for a moment. “I have plans anyway.”

He frowned. “You do?”

“Yeah,” she said, unable to hide her smile. “I cashed in that check on the way here. I kinda already spent it, you see.”


“Uh-huh,” she said. “The life coach you got me encouraged me to act quick.”

Isaac looked impressed. He turned to her, taking hold of her feet under the covers and giving them a loving stroke. “What are you buying with it?”

“Oh,” said Peach shrugging, “it’s just… an animal thing.”

“You’re buying a five-million-dollar animal? Must be pretty rare,” Isaac joked half-heartedly.

“No,” said Peach. Her cheeks were burning now. “It’s something you won’t approve of. Being an animal hater. And a charity hater too.”

Isaac stopped stroking her feet. “What are you talking about? An animal hater? A charity hater? What kind of guy do you think I am?”

“I’m setting up my own pet rescue center,” Peach blurted. “I just bought the perfect bit of land for it.” She grabbed her purse from the floor and got out her cell phone. “Look,” she said. “It’s an old ranch. A few hours away from here. A real mess. Falling apart at the seams. But I can rip the place down and start again.”

Peach looked at Isaac, and saw that his face was white as a ghost.

Chapter Seventeen


“Youcan’thaveit,”Isaac snapped, his heart racing. “You have to cancel the sale. Now.”

He ran his hand through his hair, trying to find a way to calm down. He couldn’t let Peach buy his family home. The land that his parents were buried on.

Peach glared at him. “I knew you’d hate the idea. Helping animals. Running a charity. It’s obvious that you disapprove. I bet you got me that life coach and financial adviser because you wanted me to spend all my money on, I don’t know, stocks and shares or something.”
