Page 53 of Yes Daddy

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Keep your eyes on the prize, Peach. It’s not a matter of what this place is now. It’s what it can become.

Of course, Peach worried that Isaac wasn’t going to give her the next five million dollars. If he didn’t give her the money, she wouldn’t be able to do a single thing to this land. But she had to stay strong. She had to hope.

Even though the place was a mess, she could see its potential. The location was fantastic, near a beautiful river and a lake, but far enough inland that flooding wasn’t a problem. There were nearly five-hundred acres of land — plenty for all the animals she hoped to have there. There were natural ponds for attracting teal ducks, and there was enough woodland for whitetail deer, Osceola turkeys, and wild boar. It was like she was buying her very own nature retreat. It was going to be heaven.

“I’d like to take a look around the back of the house,” Peach said trying her best to sound authoritative. She didn’t want this woman, Meg, to see how nervous she was.

“The back of the house? What do you want to see that for?” Meg spat. “It’s just like the front… but it’s the back.”

Peach cleared her throat. “I’d like to check out the land behind it,” she said. “To see if it would be good for some kennels.”

“Kennels?” said Meg. “You’re not a rancher then?”

“Um, no,” said Peach, her heart racing. “I’m not exactly a rancher.”

Meg stared at her, then shrugged. “Don’t really care what you are as long as your money’s good. But you’ve seen enough. I’ve got things to do.”

Peach stood her ground. “I need to see the whole place. It’s a big purchase, ma’am. I need to make sure I’m happy with it.”

Meg narrowed her eyes. “You’re not a serious buyer? You’d better not be wasting my time. Showing up here in your funny little outfit with your funny way of talking.”

Peach looked down at her clothes: mint green overalls with cherries all over them. She’d worn them specially, thinking they gave a good impression. Ugh. She had so much to learn.

“Of course I’m serious, Ma’am,” said Peach with a smile. “That’s why I’m here. I just wanted to be one hundred percent, because I hadn’t been able to see the place when I put in the offer—“

“If you’re wasting my time, I’ll just sell to someone else.”

“No, please,” said Peach. “I love it here. I just want to look round the back of the house.”

Meg sighed, long and hard. “Fine. Come on then. Let’s get it over with.”

She walked around to the back of the house, with Peach following. As soon as they turned the corner, Peach was surprised to see two gravestones. They were covered in weeds, and there was yet another mattress dumped near them.

“Oh!” she said. “This is a graveyard?”

Meg shrugged defensively. “Just two of ’em. Dig them up if you like.”

Peach stepped closer. She could make out the names on them. Deborah Maria Righton and William John Righton. They died within a week of one another.

Isaac’s parents.

Instantly, tears filled Peach’s eyes. She’d known it all along, of course: this place was rightfully his. No matter how hard she’d tried to justify herself, how big she’d allowed her dream to get, she couldn’t have this place. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself.

“I can’t do this,” Peach said softly.

“I knew it,” Meg snapped. “I knew you weren’t serious.”

“No, I am, it’s just… those graves… I…”

Could she tell Meg who she was? That she was Isaac’s wife? Her bank account was still in her old name, so Meg had no idea.

“Whatever, missy,” said the old woman. “You obviously have an aversion to buying land with… dead people… in it.”

The way that Meg saiddead people… it sent chills down Peach’s spine.

“Anyway,” said Meg, walking them around the front of the house. “I’ll just sell this place to the second highest bidder. No big deal.” She grinned. “He’s planning on making the place into a slaughterhouse.”

Peach’s eyes widened. “No!”
