Page 36 of Rancher Daddy

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It was the smell of horses, of course. But there was something else too. It was the smell of dirt and hay and the musty smell of tack.

But there was more to it. The longer you spent among the animals, the more you came to realize that that smell — that musty, strangely intoxicating smell — was becoming your smell too.

It took her a long time to work her way through the horses. She made sure that as she scrubbed them with the brush, she chatted to them, letting each and every one of them know that she was an ally, a friend.

As she worked, she watched Chuck from time to time. He was busy bringing in feed for the horses and cleaning out their stalls. She tried not to stare, but he was so damn handsome, it was tricky.

He seemed broader than when she’d known him before. He’d always been well-built, but these days he looked completely solid. She’d felt it last night as he’d spanked her — the strength of him. The power.

Come on, Millie, keep focused. Don’t think sexy thoughts again.

But, try as she might, she couldn’t forget the tension that was bubbling between her and Chuck. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that he’d been looking at her body, just as she had been looking at his. It was something that had happened pretty much nonstop since their spanking in the treehouse. She couldn’t help but smile as she washed Bella with a sponge, trying her best not to think about how sexy Chuck had been the night before.

Millie hoped she hadn’t been too obvious when she’d told Chuck about her inability to sleep.

As soon as he’d dropped her back to her room, she’d known that there was no way at all she’d be able to sleep without doing something to put out the fire that the spanking had lit in her.

She’d only made herself come a couple times. That wasn’t too naughty, was it? Plus, it wasn’t against Chuck’s rules.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

She turned and saw Chuck, smiling at her. She’d been so lost in her reverie that she hadn’t heard him approach.

“I’m sorry, I was somewhere else,” she said, blushing. “I was just... thinking about my night.”

Mercifully, Chuck didn’t dwell on that. “You’ve done a great job with the horses. Haven’t seen them shine like that in a while.”

It felt so good to have him praise her. She felt as though she’d do almost anything to have him call her a good girl again.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said, softly. “I did my best.”

“You sure did. Now, I was thinking, as a treat, why don’t I take you out? You can ride Ranger if you like. I’ll take Sunrise.”

Panic hit her, taking her by surprise. “Um... I don’t know.”

“We’ll go slow. Don’t worry, you’ll remember how to do it.”

Just as she was about to agree to Chuck’s suggestion, another voice sounded from the stable door.

“Good to see the two of you working so well together.” It was Takis. He seemed genuinely happy this morning. Bunny was with him.

Millie felt a pang of shame. The last time she’d spoken to Bunny, she’d left things a little awkward.

“Millie’s doing great,” Chuck said. Millie noticed that he was looking a little uncomfortable — a little too stiff and strange, a little too formal.

“Good to hear,” Takis said, nodding. “How’s everything been going? Anything new happening with the horses I should know about?” His focus shifted to Thunder. “What are the chances that he’s going to be ready for the opening party?”

“Like I keep saying,” Chuck said, “Thunder isn’t going to be ready. With his past, it’s a miracle he’s calm enough to be around people at all. Letting someone mount him is another story.”

Millie wondered at what Thunder’s past might be, but she was distracted by Bunny, who sidled up to her and gave her shoulder a soft squeeze.

“Psst. How are you doing?”

“Good, thank you.”

“I’m glad.” She lowered her voice. “Chuck not being too mean?”

In the background, Chuck and Takis were chatting away about the different horses and their various issues.
