Page 80 of Rancher Daddy

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There were sounds of sympathy from the crowd.

“Don’t worry, he’s a happy boy now. It was touch and go for a while, though. His owner couldn’t afford to keep a horse who was nervous around new places, and frankly, he didn’t have time to help Sunrise with the extra care and attention he needed. If Takis hadn’t stepped in and decided to take on Sunrise, he would have most certainly been put down.” Takis stopped for a moment. “Say, can I get a volunteer to feed Sunrise a hay cube?”

A sea of hands shot up, and Chuck picked one of the first ones. A timid Little wearing a fluffy yellow jumper stepped forward.

“Lucky I always keep a hay cube in my pocket for situations like this.” Chuck grinned, slipping a cube of hay out and passing it to the Little. “Now introduce yourself to Sunrise, and hold out the treat.”

“Hi Sunrise, I’m Patti,” she said in a thick New York accent. “Here’s your snack!”

Sunrise snuffled the cube up in no time, leaving Patti giggling and the rest of the crowd smiling.

“See how happy Sunrise is? See how much he still gets from his life? All he needed was some care and attention, and the right people supporting him. And that’s what we’re going to do at this ranch. We’re gonna be here to help all of you, and anyone else who needs it. No job to big. No limits. Our doors are open.” He grinned. “Tell your friends.”

Millie felt a rush of pride. Daddy had done such a good job. She could feel the excitement and buzz in the crowd. Now it was her turn. Hopefully, she’d do a good job, too.

Millie nodded for Chuck to give her a quick introduction.

“Hey everybody, this is Millie. She’s gonna show us some basics of dressage with one of our most challenging horses. His name is Thunder and he has had quite a few behavioral issues since we brought him to the ranch. But with love, attention, and training he’s come such a long way. So here we go!”

Chuck unhitched Thunder from his post and nodded at Millie. She felt a fizz of excitement and nerves.

Millie clicked her tongue and Thunder trotted over to join them in the corral, ears pricked forward as if soaking up the admiration of the crowd. He stood tall at Millie’s side, his glossy black coat shining even in the morning sun.

Come on, Thunder. Let’s show these people that everything’s possible.

Millie patted Thunder gently. There was no sense of nervousness in him, no anxiety. So she pushed her foot carefully through the stirrup and hoisted herself up onto his back.

Breathe. Breathe. You got this.

She had been up on Thunder a few times now, and although she felt confident, it was still a thrill to be up on this powerful, characterful horse.

Millie looked out at the crowd nervously, then quickly pushed that feeling away. She was here to show them what Thunder could do, and she would be proud of him no matter what.

Millie clicked her tongue again and Thunder stepped forward into a collected canter, his feet barely making a sound on the sandy ground. Millie asked for more speed and Thunder responded with a burst of energy, shifting smoothly into a trot as he cut figure eights in the sand.

The crowd gasped as Millie turned him around for the finale – a pirouette in place followed by two flying changes of leg. His movements were fluid and powerful; it was clear that he had been working hard with Millie in preparation for today’s performance.

Thunder seemed happy too, snorting with joy as Millie patted his neck before sliding off his back gracefully.

There was loud applause, and Millie soaked up every second.


“Daddy, I’m so excited about the party!”

The sound of distant music thrummed from the ranch house. Chuck had insisted on bringing Millie back to the treehouse before the party. He had some important things to show her. He just hoped she’d be as into these items as he was.

“I know you are, sweetie. I am, too. Don’t you want to see your presents, though?”

“I do, I do,” she whined. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to seem ungrateful.”

“Don’t worry, I get it.” Chuck took out the package that he’d carefully wrapped after Millie had fallen asleep last night. “The quicker we get through this, the quicker we’ll be at the party.”

“It’s so pretty!” Millie’s eyes lit up.

“I’m glad you like the look of it. I chose the wrapping paper specially.”

It was covered in cartoon horses and pretty little cowgirls.
