Page 15 of Healer Daddy

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“Or cut back on non-essential expenses,” Chuck added, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Day trips for the Littles. Bourbon for the Daddies.”

“It’s not like we spend a ton on that stuff. I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. Besides, if the morale starts to dip around here then we’re in big trouble.”

“Seems like we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Trent muttered, his gaze drifting over the vast expanse of the ranch. The last thing he wanted was to jeopardize the future of the very place that had given him purpose and solace.

Trent found himself considering Patti’s offer once more. He weighed the options in his mind, feeling the pull of both Duke’s and Chuck’s perspectives. On one hand, he had always been able to handle problems on his own. But on the other, Patti’s presence seemed to offer a glimmer of hope in an increasingly dire situation.

“Y’all right, Trent? You seem lost in thought,” Duke remarked, concern evident in his voice.

Trent blinked, forcing himself back to the present. “Just... thinking about what we’re gonna do, that’s all.”

“Listen,” Chuck said, placing a hand on Trent’s shoulder, “we’ll figure this out together. Like we always do. And if you think Patti can help, maybe it’s worth giving her a chance.”

It could work. But what if he ended up hurting her even more? And what if she was so distracting for him that he ended up working more slowly than he otherwise would?

There was something else, though. Something that he was too scared to even consider.

Later that night, alone in his bed, Trent allowed himself to think of Patti, just for a moment. He imagined her snuggled up next to him in his bed, her generous, perfect body pressed up against him. He imagined her smell, the sound of her breathing.

She might touch him, might let her hand rest on his stomach. She might explore further down. She might whisper, “Do you like that, Daddy?”

He might grunt with lust, with passion, as she found his hardness, and then he might surge forward, finding her lips, finding the wet heat between her legs with his fingers.

He examined his feelings, and thought the scenario through over and over again.

Maybe he could make it work. Maybe this time wouldn’t be like the last time. Maybe he deserved to be happy. Maybe he could make her happy, too.


Guilt is a rattlesnake. And it had bitten him hard. But as Trent closed his eyes, he could see a path forward, winding through the rugged terrain of his guilt and fear, and leading him toward something new, something potentially beautiful. Yes, the rattlesnake had struck, but Trent was still standing.


Sofar,Patti’sleapof faith had failed to materialize. In fact, instead of leaping, it felt as though she was stuck in place, like a stone, unable to even start to roll.

She was back in the nursery again. It was the only place she felt safe right now. The only place where she didn’t fall into scary thought patterns. The only place where her anxiety quietened enough for her to be able to hear who she actually was.

At least she was getting better at blocking out the bad feelings. Like a horse wearing comically oversize blinkers.

Yep, your blinkers are getting bigger and bigger, and all you can see is the road ahead of you, full of toys, swings, and juice cartons.

She was, in fact, waiting in line for a turn on a brand-new swing that had been installed in the corner of the nursery. Nanny Clara was currently pushing a Little who Patti didn’t recognize, but who looked like he was having the time of his life.

The Little Boy was dressedveryLittle, and it kind of made Patti feel self-conscious. Patti was wearing a gothic pastel dream outfit today, which consisted of a lavender mesh dress layered over a black, fitted strappy bodysuit. It wasn’t exactly Little, but she had a chunky, silver, teddy bear pendant to help with that.

Normally, she’d be in her ranch outfit, but she hadn’t felt like it this morning. When she’d told Takis that she needed to take a couple mental health days away from work, he’d been fully supportive.

This couldn’t last forever, of course. Hopefully though, if she ignored her problems for long enough, they’d eventually go away.

Because obviously, that’s whatalwayshappens.

Soon, it was Patti’s turn on the swing.

“Back again?” Clara said kindly as she started to push Patti.

“Uh-huh. Is it bad?” Patti couldn’t help but feel silly to be back so often.

“Of course not. That’s why we’re here. For whatever you need.”
