Page 4 of Healer Daddy

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With all the upgrades Takis had made, it boggled Trent’s mind that there wasstilla problem with the power supply. And it only ever seemed to affect his fucking cabin. For some reason, the power always cut out when he was about to sit down and do something. It was probably because of all the air-con and wifi that he was having the problem. More annoying was the fact that Trent had asked Takis four times to fix the issue, and nothing had been done.

He heard peals of laughter coming from inside the ranch house. There was also the faint sound of music. Music that definitelywasn’tMiles Davis.

“Ugh,” he grunted. “Littles. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”



It was chaos, pure and simple. The laughter, the raised voices, the shrieks of delight as the food hit the tables. It was everything the bubbly Little wanted from her mealtimes.

Today was Friday, which meant it was taco night at the ranch. Everyone lined up to fill their plates with beef and chicken tacos, rice, and beans.

“It’s hot! It’s spicy! It’s delicious!” Chef Marco’s voice boomed around the warm, cozy space of the dining room. Patti was practically bouncing on her toes in anticipation as she joined the line for food.

She scanned the faces. Alongside the familiar staff members and permanent guests, there was a gaggle of new vacationers, all looking happy to be here, among people who wouldn’t judge them for who they were.

Obviously, Trent wasn’t here. Henevercame to dinner. Well, practically not. Once a month, Takis demanded that all staff members attend an introductory dinner for new guests, and Trent begrudgingly attended those.

The man had always seemed reserved and private, but recently it felt like he was becoming a hermit.

An extremely sexy, annoyingly aloof, maddeningly smart hermit. As Patti waited in line, she thought of Lulu. She and Trent had worked hard together to bring that little hamster into the world. It had been about the only time that the two of them had hung out together. For a while, it seemed like maybe they were getting to be… friends. Patti had even told him that she’d dreamed of being a vet, or a conservationist, or even a wildlife photographer when she’d been a kid, and she’d hoped he might invite her to join his staff full-time.

He hadn’t of course.

“Think yourself lucky that you didn’t realize those dreams,” he’d grunted. “Or you’d be like me, working all hours, up to your elbows in horse muck, reading obscure books on the reproductive habits of bovine intestinal worms.” That was the last they ever spoke of it.

“Mmmmmm whaddya gonna get, Patti? Chicken or beef?” That was Anita, one of Patti’s best friends. Anita was a romance writer who Patti had worked with for a while at the petting zoo.

Patti grinned. “I don’t know! I want it all.”

“Marco’s very strict. Only one choice per guest,” Anita replied.

“What about if you get the beef and I get the chicken, and then we just swap some?”

Anita’s pale blue eyes widened with excitement behind her thick-rimmed glasses.

“Ooh, good idea. I don’t think Chef Marco would mind that one bit!”

Patti was about to reply when the door swung open, and in walked a very grumpy-looking Trent.

Her heart pounded with unexpected anticipation. She’d planned on seeing him in the morning, as he could be extra-grouchy in the evenings, but he was here, right now. She thought anxiously about Lulu, clearly sick, and she knew that she didn’t have a choice. Dinner wasn’t going to be the fun, shenanigan-filled event she’d been expecting.

“Actually, Nita,” Patti said, totally distracted by Trent’s sudden arrival, “I think I’m gonna get dinner in just a moment.

Anita looked confused, and traced Patti’s eyes across the room. Then, she gave Patti a wicked grin. “Business with Trent?” Anita wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“No! Well, yes. But… no!”

“Anything you say,” Anita said, smiling innocently. “I promise not to write a romance novel about the blossoming relationship between a sweet Little and her stern, veterinarian crush.”

”Idon’thave a cr—“

“Course you don’t! He just makes your panties all—“

“Anita! This is serious! Lulu’s sick.”

Anita’s face fell. “Oh really? I’m sorry, Patti. I didn’t mean it. I was just teasing.”
