Page 41 of Healer Daddy

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“Chunky really likes him.”

“Oh good! He passes the sloth test.”

“Mmhmm,” Patti nodded. Then, she took a deep breath. “Stuffies, close your ears.”

Anita and Millie looked intrigued.

Patti continued. “There is one thing that’s been worrying me, though. Trent and I... we haven’t been all the way yet.” She chewed her lip. It was hard to be honest. “I’m starting to wonder if maybe he doesn’t want to.”

“Have you talked to him about it?” Millie asked gently, concern etched on her face.

“I asked him about it a couple days ago,” Patti said, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “He said he wants to get the timing right. I didn’t push him on it.”

“And has he given you any reason to doubt that?” It was a fair question from Millie.

“Well… no. But… I guess I don’t really trust my instincts.” Patti was proud of herself for admitting this.

“Growing pains are normal when navigating new dynamics,” Anita reassured her, reaching over to give Patti’s hand a squeeze. “But communication is key. If it’s still a worry, you can talk to him. A good Daddy Dom will never tell you off for voicing your worries.”

“Anita’s right,” Millie agreed. “Trust in yourself and trust in Trent. If you’re meant to be together, you’ll find a way to work through this.”

Patti nodded, feeling some of the weight lift from her shoulders. “I’m just worried because I feel as though we could be happy together, but I’m terrified of ruining it all.” She instinctively reached for Chunky and held him to her chest.

“I get that,” Anita said. “Having almost ruined my relationship with Duke, I feel you. Think of it this way: youcan’truin it.”

“I can’t?”

“All you can do is be yourself. If you’re yourself and things don’t work out, you haven’t ruined anything, it’s just… what happened.”

“Right. You have to accept who you are, and trust that Trent will love you for it.”

“But what if he doesn’t?” Patti chewed her lip.

Millie squeezed Patti’s shoulder, “If he doesn’t, sweetheart, then firstly, he’s a dum-dum, and secondly, it’s okay. Life isn’t about one person loving you.” She pointed up at the tree, at the clear blue sky, at the Fall flowers and scuds of white cloud in the sky. “It’s about all this.”

It was easy for her to say. She had a Daddy Dom who was completely devoted to her. Still, Patti had to admit there was some truth in what her friend was saying.

Heartened by their support, Patti felt a warmth spreading through her chest, grateful for the bond she shared with her friends. “Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she looked between Anita and Millie. “I don’t know what I would do without you two.”

“Likewise, sweetie,” Millie replied, giving Patti’s hand a tender squeeze. “Now, let’s finish our picnic and enjoy this beautiful day together!”

With newfound determination, Patti smiled and raised her teacup, clinking it against those of her friends. “To friendship, love, and the adventures that await us!”

“And stuffies,” Anita said, laughing.

“And stuffies!” the other two said, in unison.


The sun cast long shadows across the shooting range as Takis joined the North brothers, his confident stride a stark contrast to their hesitant movements. Trent couldn’t help but feel a twinge of unease at the billionaire’s presence, and he wondered what had brought him here.

“Thanks for letting me join you,” Takis said, loading a bullet into his revolver with practiced ease. “I feel like an honorary North boy.”

“You can join us any time,” Chuck replied, though his voice held an edge of uncertainty. Duke merely shrugged, focused on his own target.

As they resumed their shooting competition, Trent found himself watching Takis from the corner of his eye. The man held himself with an air of confidence that both intrigued and irked him. He’d been impressed with Takis since he bought the ranch, but recently, it felt as though things had changed with their boss.

“Nice shot,” Duke commented as the Greek hit the bullseye with a grin. Trent could practically see the wheels turning in his brother’s head, trying to make sense of the situation.
