Page 43 of Healer Daddy

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Eventually, after they had finished work yesterday, they’d had reflection time. Patti wasn’t ready to tell Trent everything, but shehadtold him about the discussion she’d had with Anita and Millie. It had taken great bravery to share her worries. Trent had rewarded her with understanding and compassion.

“I know you want to be intimate with me, my butterfly,” he said kindly. “And I want to be intimate with you too. More than anything. We’re getting there, I promise. We won’t need to be patient for much longer.”

“I like being your patient,” Patti joked.

In the end, they had stayed up later than normal. Trent could be a real stickler for the rules, but not last night. It was like Trent could sense she’d really needed him. They’d played games and read stories to keep her mind off their worries.

Stretching her legs beneath the sheets, she felt the weight of yesterday’s stress lighten, replaced by a sense of hope. In their quiet moments together, Patti had found solace, trusting in the safety of Trent’s care.

Suddenly, Patti heard an unfamiliar, squeaky sound, coming from the corner of the room.

Could it be…?

Patti disentangled herself from Trent’s embrace and tiptoed across the room, being careful not to disturb his slumber. Yesterday, Trent had decided to bring Lulu back to Patti’s room for observation. The little hamster hadn’t eaten anything and he’d wanted to make sure that if she needed urgent care, they were ready to provide it.

As Patti peered into the cage, her heart swelled with joy. Lulu was in her wheel! She was running! It was the first time she’d done it since falling ill. Patti let out a tiny squeal of happiness! Noticing her, Lulu shuffled off the wheel, and—as if to prove how well she was feeling—took a nice big bite from a chunk of carrot.

“Maybe there’s hope after all,” Patti whispered to herself, her eyes brimming with tears of relief. She couldn’t wait to share the good news with Trent.

She returned to the bed and gently shook him awake. “Daddy,” she hissed excitedly, her voice barely above a whisper, “Lulu’s doing better! She’s running! She’s eating!”

His eyes flickered open, sleepy yet curious. Patti held her breath, worried that he might be grumpy from the early wake-up call. But to her delight, his face broke into a wide smile.

“Really?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “That’s amazing, sweetheart.”

He sprung up from the bed.

It was so unfair. Why did he always look so gorgeous in the morning? All he had to do was tumble out of bed, scraggly-haired and sleepy-eyed, and looking like a fricking supermodel. He was just wearing a faded old t-shirt and boxers, but he still made her tummy feel all melty.

As Trent watched Lulu waddle back onto the wheel, his eyes widened with childlike excitement. The more she got to know Trent, the more obvious it became just how much he loved animals. It had been somewhat hidden by his grumpy exterior when she’d first met him. But now, it was as obvious as sunshine on a cloudless day.

He reached for Patti’s hand and pulled her close, planting a passionate kiss on her lips, making her squeal with surprise and delight. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get dressed and check on the rest of the animals,” he suggested, his voice full of enthusiasm.

“Good idea!” she replied, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

As they hastily threw on their clothes, Patti couldn’t help but think about how much her life had changed since meeting Trent. Gone were the days of high-stakes finance and living only for herself. Now, she found purpose in caring for the ranch’s animals and building a life with the man who had shown her what it meant to truly live.

“Ready?” Trent asked, holding out his hand.

“More than ever,” Patti replied, taking his hand and letting him lead her out of the room.


Last night, before he’d closed his eyes, Trent North had prayed for a miracle. The conversation with Takis had been going through his mind on repeat, making him more and more worried.

He’d been looking for the right time to bring it up with Patti, but hadn’t found it. She had so much on her mind, and even though Takis had emphasized how little time they had left, he knew he had to pick his moment.

Trent strode ahead, his boots crunching on the gravel path as he led Patti toward the quarantine barn. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the ranch, painting the landscape with hues of orange and gold.

“Almost there,” he said, offering Patti an encouraging nod.

As they approached the barn, Trent couldn’t help but feel a knot of anxiety tightening in his chest. What if the other animals hadn’t improved? What if Lulu’s recovery was just an anomaly? He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead.

He hoped, deeply, that there was an improvement. He wanted it for their sakes, but for Patti’s too.

“Ready?” he asked Patti, his voice steady despite the uncertainty churning within him.

“Ready,” she affirmed, her hand slipping into his for reassurance.
