Page 47 of Healer Daddy

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“Yeah, Patti?”

“Thank you for yesterday,” she said softly, her cheeks warming with a blush. “It meant a lot to me.”

Trent’s expression turned tender, and he reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It meant a lot to me too, Patti. Now come on, let’s head in. Unfortunately, there’s paperwork to do.”

Patti followed Trent into his office. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of leather-bound books and the faint aroma of coffee that always seemed to linger in the air. He’d been talking about getting down to some serious work all morning, and Patti had been dreading it. Luckily, she had a plan…

“Hey Trent,” Patti said, her voice light and playful, “you know, how we’re Daddy and Little?”

His eyes narrowed. “I do.”

“So I guess that means we’re, like, boyfriend and girlfriend, doesn’t it?”

“Where are you going with this, little one?”

Patti batted her eyelashes innocently. “Um, the thing is, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, but we’re never actually been on a date.”

Trent’s eyes widened. “Well, damn. I guess you’re right.”

“Don’t you think,” she said, perching on his impressive desk, “that we could take some time off today and, you know, go on an actual date?”

Trent looked up from his desk, surprise flickering across his face. “A date? Now?”

“Sure, why not?” Patti replied, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “We’ve been working so hard lately, and I’d love to spend some time with you outside of this place. Maybe somewhere private, surrounded by nature?”

Trent hesitated and stared at the papers piled high on his desk. Patti knew they had a lot on their plate. On top of everything else, she had time scheduled in the nursery later, and Trent was expecting the latest batch of test results from the animal hospital.

But the thought of spending time alone with her Daddy, away from the daily grind, was so unbelievably tempting.

“Look, Patti,” he began slowly, “I’d really like that too, but we have so much to do today. We should probably stick to our plan.”

Patti’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned against the edge of his desk. “Oh, come on, Trent. Can’t we spare just a few hours for ourselves? I promise it’ll be worth it.”

“I don’t think we should, sweetheart. Now, let me get on with this. The quicker I finish, the quicker we can get on with other things.”

But Patti wasn’t going to be defeated that easily.

As quietly as she could, Patti crawled under Trent’s desk, her pulse quickening with each step. She hesitated for just a moment before reaching up to undo his pants. As her fingers fumbled with the button and zipper, she could feel the warmth of his body emanating through the fabric.

“Wha—“ Trent’s words caught in his throat as he realized what Patti was doing.

Patti rubbed her hands on Trent’s fast-thickening cock as she started to pull his pants down. She was hungry for him again.

“Okay! Okay. I should probably be punishing you right now, but you know what? I’ll take you on that date, Patti.”

Her grin was triumphant as she emerged from under the desk, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She stood, smoothing her dress and straightening her hair, meeting his gaze with a mixture of mischief and satisfaction.

“Good,” she said, her voice sultry and playful. “I knew you’d see reason eventually.”

“Subs are in control,” Trent said, shaking his head with resignation. “Let’s go enjoy our escape.”


He was too soft on her. He knew that. But how could you be hard on someone as fun-loving and full of life as Patti?

They rode together on Sunrise, the golden-maned horse moving gracefully beneath them as they made their way to a secluded lake. It had been a long ride, and clearly, Patti was excited to arrive.

“This place is beautiful!” she gasped, as the crystal clear lake came into view.
