Page 64 of Healer Daddy

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“Trust me, I didn’t want to believe it either,” Patti admitted, her hands clammy with anxiety. “But I’ve noticed things, little details that don’t add up. And I can’t ignore my gut feeling any longer.”

Takis leaned in, his eyes searching hers for truth.

“Believe me,” she said, “I don’t want any of this to be true. But I can’t ignore what my heart is telling me.”

“Alright,” he said softly, “tell me everything.”

Patti hesitated for a moment before pulling out her phone. She scrolled through her messages, her heart pounding like hooves against the dirt. Finally, she found what she was looking for and handed the phone to Takis.

“Look at this,” she said, her voice barely audible. “These are messages from my old boss.”

Takis squinted at the screen, his eyes widening as he read the texts. “What on earth does he mean that you owe him ten million dollars?” he asked, disbelief lacing his tone.

“Technically, I don’t,” Patti admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I invested a lot of my own money, as well as my company’s money, on a high-risk trade. Brandon read my email about it and demanded that he be cut in on the deal. When the deal collapsed, we all lost a lot of money. It was his decision to invest, but he blames me for it.”

“Wait,” Takis said, his brow furrowing in confusion. “His name is Brandon Grouse?”

Patti nodded, biting her lip. She hadn’t realized that Takis would recognize the name.

“Brandon Grouse is the new owner of the Rosy Pastures chain,” Takis revealed, his voice heavy with the weight of the information. “He’s the person I’ve been liaising with about the sale. The guy must be loaded.”

Patti felt a chill run down her spine as the pieces fell into place. “That makes a whole lot of sense,” she whispered, her eyes meeting Takis’. “Everything’s falling into place. He bought Rosy Pastures to get back at me.”

“Are you saying that Brandon’s behind all of this?” Takis asked, his voice hushed and tense. “All this is to ruin your life?”

“Maybe,” Patti responded, her mind racing with the implications. “I can’t be sure, but it seems too connected to be a coincidence.”

They sat in silence for a moment, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The playful atmosphere of their reunion had given way to a more serious, emotional tone as they grappled with the possibility that someone from their past was trying to destroy everything they held dear.

“What should we do?” Takis asked. “If we go to the police without proof, it’ll be pointless. Plus, the deal with Rosy Pastures will be off the table.”

“You can’t even consider selling to Rosy Pastures, Takis.” Patti bit her lip, an idea forming in her mind. It was risky, but it could work. “I have an idea,” she said hesitantly. “A big one.”

“Really?” His eyes sparkled with curiosity. “What is it?”

Patti sighed deeply. It was now or never. “Takis,” she said, in a quiet voice. “I’ve got a confession to make.”

As Patti finished explaining her plan, Takis leaned back in his chair, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

“By Zeus, Patti, that’s quite a plan,” he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “It’s certainly creative, but also incredibly risky.”

“Sometimes risk is necessary, Takis,” Patti replied, her voice strong and determined. She felt a sudden surge of confidence, one she hadn’t experienced since her days in New York. “I’ll do whatever it takes to save the ranch and expose the truth about Brandon.”

Takis nodded slowly, his eyes studying her face as if searching for any hint of doubt or fear. “You will need backup,” he insisted, his tone protective. “In case things go wrong, I know someone who can help.”

She clenched her fists under the table, her nails digging into her palms. Patti had been expecting him to insist on something like this. She couldn’t have it. “No, Takis,” she said firmly, shaking her head. “I have to do this alone. I can’t risk anyone else getting hurt because of me.”

“Patti, this is not a game. This is a lot of money and a lot of anger we’re talking about. If something were to happen—“

“Please,” she cut him off, pleading with her eyes. “It has to be me. Just me. If I make a mistake, I don’t want anyone else to suffer.”

Takis sighed, looking like a man defeated by an irresistible force.

“Alright, Patti. You’ll do this on your own. But promise me you’ll be careful, and if you need help, call me. No heroics.”

“Thank you, Takis,” she said softly, her eyes full of gratitude. “I promise.”

As they stood up to leave, Patti felt a mix of fear and determination coursing through her veins. She knew the fate of Littlecreek Ranch hung in the balance, as well as the happiness of all those who had come to mean so much to her. But she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. To save the place that had become her home.

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