Page 70 of Healer Daddy

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The room stirred with quiet chatter at this revelation.

“Ethan, Silas, and Rusty Maguire. They’re a little more… old-fashioned than we’re used to. But the North brothers assure me they’re hard workers. They hail from Texas and… anyway, I should leave it to your new owners to fill you in on our future plans,” he said with a warm smile. He gestured at Trent, Chuck, and Duke. “The North brothers, the future custodians of Littlecreek Ranch.”

The room erupted in applause as Trent, Duke, and Chuck stood, expressions a blend of pride and uncertainty. Patti beamed at them, her red hair catching the light like the sun on a prairie fire. As the applause died down, a hush fell over the room, a collective breath held in anticipation of the first words from the new owners.

Chuck doffed his Stetson, scratching the back of his head. “Well now, I wasn’t expectin’ to be delivering a speech today. Shoot. Alright, first off, thank y’all for bein’ here,” Chuck started, his voice a steady river flowing over deep currents of emotion. “We understand there’s been a heap to sort through lately, and quite a few changes, and we’re grateful for your support.” He glanced at his brothers, who mirrored his sentiment with solemn nods.

“Littlecreek Ranch has always been something special,” Duke took over, his gaze wandering over the faces he knew so well. “When our Dad bought this place, he envisioned it as a haven for family, and for love. We aim to carry on with that tradition.”

As Trent took in his brothers’ words, he felt a wave of gratitude for their unwavering support, in this venture and throughout his life. They were stepping into unfamiliar lands, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with, capable of weathering any storm.

Trent’s mind strayed to the night when they’d come so close to losing this place. His brothers had been at each other’s throats then. Now, he marveled at their journey, at how far they had come. It had been a wild ride, to say the least.

“Naturally,” Trent chimed in, turning his attention to the staff, “we can’t pull this off alone. We’re counting on your help, your know-how, and your dedication to help Littlecreek Ranch flourish. Each one of you has a key part in our success. And of course, we’re bringing in the Maguire brothers, who are old pals of ours. They know full well what we’re all about here at the ranch. This age play stuff might not be their bailiwick, but they’re pros, and they’ll do right by us.”

“That’s a friendly heads-up to all you single Littles out there!” Duke chimed in with a cheeky grin. “Ethan and his brothers are near about as easy on the eyes as we are, but y’all gonna have to keep your eager little hands to yourselves!”

Laughter filled the room. A couple of Littles playfully pouted and hollered their mock disappointment.

“Anyway, here’s to a new chapter for Littlecreek Ranch,” Chuck declared, raising an imaginary glass in the air. “To new beginnings and a bright future!”

The room erupted in cheers and applause once more, as Trent looked again at Patti. A single tear traced its way down her cheek as she applauded.

“Oh!” said Chuck, “There’s one more thing I wanted to add.” Then, to everyone’s surprise, he got down on one knee.

Millie, guessing what was happening, let out a shriek.

“Millie Reynolds,” he said, voice sure and steady, “will you do the honor of becoming my wife?”

Millie barely had time to shout out “Yes!” before the crowd erupted into a happy torrent of laughter, applause, and wild delight.


“Daddy? How do they make bubbles feel so good?” Patti was covered in foam. She sank deeper into the fragrant suds of her bath, sighing contentedly as the soothing water enveloped her. It had been quite a day, and this was the perfect end to it.

Trent knelt beside the tub, gently running a soapy sponge over her body, tracing delicate patterns against her skin. “It’s magic,” Trent said.


“Uh-huh. But trust me, you don’t want to know how they make bubbles.”

“What? Why? How do they make them?”

Trent leaned in closer. He looked so handsome when he was near her like this. His tan skin and warm eyes made her feel like she was being coated in honey. “Fairy farts,” he said, with a mischievous glint in his eye.

“Fairy farts?!” Patti squealed, scandalized.

“I said you didn’t want to know.”

Patti giggled away, feeling so grateful that her Daddy could be silly as well as sexy.

“I can’t believe that Chuck is getting married,” Trent said, as he dragged the sponge over her again.

“It’s so exciting!” Patti said. “Millie asked me and Anita to be her bridesmaids!”

“Right. And Duke and I are gonna share best man duties.”

“I can’t wait!”
