Page 9 of Healer Daddy

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He looked at her, holding her gaze, his eyes searching hers. And then, he opened those kissable lips. “Well,” he said, slowly, “I have to say, I’m a touch concerned about our furry friend.”

It was as though Patti had been dunked in ice water. The flush of lust she’d been feeling was replaced by a torrent of guilt. How could she be thinking about sexy stuff at a time like this? “Concerned?”

“Lulu is not well. She’s clearly fatigued. Her heart rate is up. Doesn’t seem interested in fluids or food. Normally, I wouldn’t be overly worried…”


“But that horse I was examining this morning, Sunrise. He had the same symptoms. Elevated heart rate. Lethargy. Stomach issues.”

Patti looked confused. “Sunrise? Um… but Sunrise is a horse. And Lulu is a hamster?”

“So youdidgo to veterinary college.”

It took Patti a moment to realize that Trent was joking. He could be dry as Saharan dust.

“I just mean,” said Patti, “what kind of an illness affects a horseanda hamster?”

“Plenty, unfortunately. And it’s not something I can diagnose myself. Which is bad news for us.”


“Two reasons. Firstly, any illness that can affect multiple species of mammal can, most likely, affect most or even all mammals.”

So that meantallthe animals at the ranch were potentially in danger.

“Oh, crap.”

“Indeed. That leads to the second problem. An outbreak of any disease like that in a ranch like this, with our one-man medical team, could be catastrophic. Not just for the animals, but for our finances.”

Finances. At least Takis would be able to take care of that side of things. As for the other…

Before Patti had the chance to think through the dangerous idea that had just popped into her head, she blurted out, “Let me help.”

Trent look stern. “Patti, I do—“

“Please, Doctor Trent. I may not have your medical training, but I’m sure there are things I can do. Cleaning, organizing. Annoyingly little things that you’d normally do. I could give you more t—“

He raised a hand dispassionately. “We’ve already talked about this, Patti. I appreciate the offer of help, but I don’t need it. I work better alone.”

“But, but you said it was bad to have a one-man medical team.”

“With respect, Miss Raven, it would still be a one-man medical team.”

Well. Patti hadn’t been ready for that. In a moment, she’d gone from hope to pain. She felt the sting of tears in her eyes. But she wasn’t going to let a meanie like Trent North see her crying. No chance.

“I’d be useful.”

“I’m sure. But I’m afraid I have a duty to the Littles in this ranch. I can’t allow you to be put into a position that might be stressful for you.” Something about the way Trent was talking made Patti think that he wasn’t being completely truthful with her.

She put her hands on her hips and pouted. She felt her lip ring move as she spoke. “I’m not worried about stress. I used to work a very stressful job.”

Trent raised an eyebrow. “You did. And look what happened to you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You pushed yourself too hard. Got burnout.”

“I made a mistake,” she said indignantly.
