Page 134 of The Rebound

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"What about the lessons you’ve been taking over the last few months?"

I frown. "How did you know that—" I smooth out my eyebrows. "Harry told you."

"He also mentioned you were looking for a role, and this one is tailor-made for you. Besides, the publicity around the two of us being seen together will propel not just our two careers forward, but also spur the movie on all the way to box-office success."

"You have this all worked out, don’t you?"

"Of course. You and me? We're gold, baby. Our fans want to see us together. Think about how much organic traction we’ll get when we announce we’re together again."

"But we’re not."

"We will be," he says with such confidence, I’m almost convinced myself.

Then, I shake my head. "Not so fast. There you go again. Making decisions for me without my consent."

I try to move away from him, but he reaches out and cups my cheek. "That orgasm there, the way you fell apart around my fingers, how you came so hard every part of me could feel the thrums of pleasure that trembled up your spine, how your cum dripped down your thighs and coated my fingers…” He brings his fingers to his nose. "Even though I washed my hands, I can still smell your sweetness on my skin."

My toes curl. My traitorous pussy instantly grows wet again.No, no, no. I’m not falling for this. I’m not going to trust him; not again. Not after how he went out of his way to shatter my heart.

"Why did you pretend you were engaged?"

He blows out a breath. "It’s not important."

"And that’s part of the problem. You think you can make decisions for me, and you don’t trust me enough to tell me why you went to all that pretense. If we were really getting together again, if you really wanted me in your life, you would tell me."

He sets his jaw. "That has nothing to do with what I want for the two of us."

"That has everything to do with the kind of future you see for us."

Footsteps sound outside the bathroom, but we both ignore them.

"Also,"—I square my shoulders—"there’s one more thing I—"

"There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you," a new voice says from the doorway.

Declan instantly moves so he’s between me and the new arrival. This should be fun.

The new guy looks between us. "Solene, what are you—"

"Leave, we’re busy," Declan growls without turning around.

The man hesitates. "But—"

"Didn’t I tell you to leave?" Declan pivots, walks over to him, and grabs him by the collar. "You’re pissing me off."

"Hey, hold on." The man looks from Declan to me, then back at Declan. "You okay, Solene?"

"Of course she’s okay," Declan growls.

The man blinks. "I’d prefer to hear that from Solene."

"You heard it from me, now fuck off."

The man frowns. "Not without her."

"The fuck you mean?"

"I was just about to tell you." I walk up to them, then slide my arm through the other man’s and smile widely. "Declan, meet my boyfriend."
