Page 136 of The Rebound

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"Jesus, you drive like a maniac."

He laughs. "There have to be some fringe benefits of being a race-car driver, huh?"

"So why did you give that up?"

The smile vanishes from his face. "That’s not a story I like to share."

"Fair enough. I get it. Some things are tough to rake up, huh?"

He nods. We drive past the next intersection and pick up speed. "So, you and Declan Beauchamp— are you getting back together?"



"There’s no way she’s getting back with you after this," Rick smirks.

"Fuck you, arsehole." I throw up my fist, but he evades me. He rams his fist into my side, and I stagger back. He follows it up by kicking my feet out from under me. I go down, manage to roll as I hit the padded floor, then spring up. He feints, and I move to the side, then land a blow to his stomach. He coughs and slides back, recovers just as fast, and hits out. I duck again, then land a punch in his shoulder. It slows him down long enough for me to strike out again. But he evades me. The two of us circle each other, panting, sweat sliding down my temples, my bare chest.

Rick bares his teeth. "For someone who’s been so focused on going after what he wants, you’ve sure made a mess of both your career and your personal life."

Anger thrums at my temples. My guts churn.She has a boyfriend. She has a fucking boyfriend. How didn’t I know about this?There has been no mention in the media or on her social network feeds. I'm not embarrassed to admit I’ve been stalking them.No, it's not possible.

"He can’t be her boyfriend," I say through gritted teeth. I’d been too shocked by her revelation; it's the only explanation for why I let that douchebag with her leave the building still alive. That, and the fact I couldn’t very well kill him in front of Solene. And kill him, I will. "I’m going to flay his skin from his flesh, then cut off his dick and feed it to him and throw him down a ravine where he’ll never be found."

Rick smirks. “You checked out his credentials before I confirmed him as her security detail.”

“And now, she claims he’s her boyfriend.” I curl my fingers into fists at my sides. “I’m going to kill him.”

This time, Rick bursts out laughing. Bastard cackles like I cracked a joke.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I leap forward, knowing he’s provoking me, knowing I’m going to make a mistake, knowing I need to keep my calm so I can decide on a course of action. I know it, but that doesn’t stop me from throwing up my fists. He easily sidesteps then punches my side, following it up with another. When I stagger back, he kicks my legs out, and I hit the floor.

This time, I stay down. "Fucking freestyle." I pant.

"You can say that again. Good thing your face is off limits, else I’d have knocked you out."

"Keep dreaming."

He shakes the sweat from his face, then holds out his hand. I grip it, and he hauls me to my feet. "Seriously though, what are you going to do about it?"

"What you’re going to have to do is apologize to her and ask her very politely to star in your next movie." Giorgina’s voice reaches me from the doorway. As one, Rick and I turn to find her gliding across the floor and toward the padded ring in the center of the gym.

"The fuck is she wearing?" Rick growls.

I take in the skirt suit she has on and shrug. "Seems fine to me."

"It’s too fucking short."

"Huh?" I narrow my gaze on her, then nod. "That’s what I told Solene."

"That’s why she decided she was with Finn?"

"That arsewipe was your choice," I growl.

He nods. "Which is why what you said earlier, before you lost your cool and attacked, is true."

"Didn’t lose my cool."
