Page 98 of The Rebound

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I slide my palms down her butt and tease the puckered hole between her arse cheeks. Her eyes grow enormous. She begins to pant, tries to writhe away, but I hold her in place. I slide my finger inside her back hole, then push up into her again. Her back curves. She thrusts out her breasts. I bite down on her lower lip, and she moans.

I curve my finger inside her back channel, then push my dick up and into her, increasing my pace, hitting that part at her very core, again and again and—

"Dec-lan, I’m going to—"

"Come with me, baby."

She groans. Her eyes roll back in her head. Moisture bathes my shaft. I thrust into her one last time, then pull her up and off my cock before I come. Threads of white paint her chest, her throat, her breasts. She begins to slump, but I hold her upright, then massage my cum into her breasts, and across the skin of her stomach.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

I drag my cum stained fingers across her lips. She flicks out her tongue and wipes them clean. And when she finally looks up, I brush my mouth over hers, tasting myself on her. The blend of her taste with mine goes straight to my head. My cock thickens again, pressing into her lower belly. She chuckles, and the sound ignites my nerve-endings.

"Ready to go again so soon?"

I pull her closer, and she snuggles into me. I tuck her head under my chin, breathe in her sweet scent. She yawns, and her eyelids flutter down. Outside, the sights of Central London flash by. I grew up here, skipping classes and hanging out with my friends, first in the coffee shops, and then in the pubs of Soho. Now, I'm driving through it with a woman I won’t let myself keep in my arms.

"What are you doing in London?" I finally ask.

She yawns so widely, I hear her jaw crack.

"I had to meet a label. Also, I wanted to see you."

"You’ve seen me now."

"Umm, I’d say we’ve more than seen each other." Her lips curve in a smile.

"When does your tour begin?"

She stills. "How do you know about the tour?"

"I may not have been physically in LA. Doesn’t mean I don’t know what's happening."

She digests this, then asks, "You’re in touch with Harry?"

"Also," I admit.

"And Rick’s been updating you?"

"You know he is."

Her muscles stiffen. She tries to push off my lap, but I don’t let her go.It’s okay to hold her for a few more seconds, isn’t it?

"That’s why you left him behind? So he could spy on me?" she snaps.

"I left him behind to protect you."

"Why do I need protection?"

"Because you’re new talent in LA. You don’t know how the system works."

"And Rick does?"

"I do."

She looks at me. "So heisspying on me."

"He’s keeping me posted on your whereabouts, so I can make sure no one takes advantage of you."
