Page 10 of Dominant Desires

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He retrieves two suitcases before leaving the room.

With sudden fear of the unknown, I rush to my feet and feel myself becoming sick. I pace around the living room only to find there’s a balcony, fresh air sounding perfect.

My stomach finally starts to settle as I take a deep breath of the warm air, easing my nerves. What a sight is right before my very eyes. The tall buildings are lit up, and the sounds of the city below us are roaring; cars, sirens, and the wind.

“Beautiful out here, isn’t it?” His voice startles me as I turn to face him, and he’s leaning in the open doorway. I remain silent. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” I reply.

Turning my back to him, I place my arms on the balcony rails and take another sip of my wine that must have cost him a fortune. I feel his breath against the back of my neck, and goosebumps rise on my skin. I breathe in, realizing how close he must be.

“Talk to me.”

“I’m fine.”

“No,” he says, adamant. “Tell me what you’re thinking. I don’t prefer to make repeating myself a habit.”

“Just give me the contract.”

His eyes narrow, and he steps closer. “Why won’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

“I need to talk to someone about this first, like my friend Natalie—”

He shakes his head, dismissively. “You can’t tell anyone about this arrangement. This is highly confidential.”

A soft whimper leaves me, vulnerability hitting me hard. As he turns around I inhale a long and anxious breath, before I silently follow Mr. Edwards back into his suite.

Resting on the living room table are the papers, the papers that will define whether not I chose to stay or leave. Instead of sitting, he remains standing, holding his glass of wine, keeping his gaze intently on my every move. I sit on the couch and cross my legs, placing my glass onto the table.

“Can I ask you a few questions first?”

He sits beside me and makes himself comfortable. “Of course. Anything. But please, expect complete honesty. You may or may not like what you hear.”

“You’re a Dominant. What does that mean?”

He takes a quick sip of his wine. “It means I want you to willingly surrender yourself to me. Mind, body, and soul.”

“Surrender?” I chew on my bottom lip. “What is a Submissive?”

“A Submissive is a person who makes a conscious choice to give up some, or all, control of her life to another person. To allow someone else to control your body and behavior within the preset limits in which are agreed upon by both parties.”

“That sounds a lot like a pet.”

“No. Submission is not only about rough, kinky sex, and chains and whips, although those things can and do play a part. It is much deeper than that. It comes from the heart. I know that might be difficult for you to understand, but submission is a choice. It will be a wonderful gift to me as your Dominant.”


“You will do whatever I require of you, of course within the boundaries we’ve agreed upon. You’ll serve me in whatever manner I wish, for my pleasure and my own comfort. When you behave, I will reward you. If you disobey me, I will punish you. That needs to be clear. Are you still with me, Ms. Pierce?”

I nod, swallowing hard. “Yes.”

“Serving can also take many other forms too, such as cleaning, cooking, taking care of my house or running errands. You’ll accompany me on outings as well. I don’t consider my Subs my pets. You need to wrap your head around that.”

“How many women have there been?” I question, and his jaw tightens. “Just curious.”


The moment I stand, a look of concern crosses his features.
