Page 22 of Dominant Desires

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In this moment, I am careless, bringing me back to my childhood, the happy little girl I once was.

There’s a large, tall, and dark wooden canopy off to the side. Kicking off my heels as I approach it, I spot a table and chairs. There is a built-in jacuzzi in the fixture. Climbing the steps onto the wooden platform, I’m finally able to see the beach in the near distance.

The darkened waves crash against the shore, and the luminescence from the stars is dreamlike. When I listen closely, I’m able to hear the soothing sound of the water. It’s hypnotizing.

“Enjoying the view?” he asks, taking in the sight of me standing in the moonlight. “I know I am.”

His hair is tousled from the calm breeze, and his eyes seem to glisten from the moonlight. The powerful ambiance he gives off makes my pulse quicken. A blush settles on my cheeks, and I force myself to look away.

“This view is amazing. You live such a luxurious life,” I say, watching the waves. “You’re really lucky.”

“I wouldn’t say lucky.” He gazes out at the ocean, folding his arms across his chest. “Determined, if anything.”

“Either way, I wish I could be this happy all the time. If I had your wealth, I know my life would be a whole lot easier.”

“Nothing comes easy in life.”

“Trust me, I know. My parents died on my eighteenth birthday.”

His eyebrows knit together. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m over it. Really.”

“I can imagine it’s not that simple.”

“Well, I pretty much lost everything. At that point in my life, I just said fuck it.” I laugh, with no humor intended. “Decided to start working at the strip club downtown, and that’s where I met Natalie. The worst came after that. Prostituting, I mean.”


I’ve said too much already.

“I’m babbling, sorry.”

“I don’t mind.”

“All I know, is that soon enough, I’ll have thirty thousand dollars.” Releasing a small breath, I grin. “That’s more than enough to get me back on my feet. By offering me this deal, Mr. Edwards, you’re helping me more than you know.”

He remains silent. Stepping closer, he presses his lips into a firm, straight line. Something about the way he’s looking at me leaves me weak, unsteady on my feet.

“I take back my original offer,” he quietly says. “One hundred thousand.”

My heart sinks, and I blink up at him, shocked. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“But, why? Why would you do that for me?”

“Why not?”

Like a strike of lightning, determination courses through my entire being. If this man I barely know can do something so selfless, so significant, then why can’t I?

“Where’s the contract?”

He arches an eyebrow, intrigued. “My pocket.”

My, how convenient.

“I’d like to sign it,” I announce. “Now.”
