Page 3 of Dominant Desires

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Several minutes pass before I decide I just can’t take it anymore. My heels click against the pavement with each step as I make my way to the side of the road. Sticking out my arm to hail a cab, something immediately catches my attention.

A sharp, midnight black Ferrari.

Pulling up to the curb, it comes to a stop several feet away. Without thinking about the consequence of my actions, I stride over to the elegant car, eager for a better view.

The windows are heavily tinted, barely allowing any view of the driver. Curiosity gets the best of me. Squinting my eyes, I lean down, trying to get a better look inside. When suddenly, the window rolls down, and I am frozen in place.

Thick, dark lashes surround his frozen irises. His eyes are staggering, like the stars, drawing me in to explore their endless depth. They’re captivating, yet as cold as ice, pooling so deeply into my soul that they send electrical chills down my spine.

Something about this man is urging me to back away, to leave, or to run. It’s warning me to not speak a single word, although it’s so tempting due to how brutally handsome he is.

Not one word has been spoken and I already know I’m in deeper than I could ever imagine.

My gaze drifts down to his full, pink lips, and to his strong, pronounced jawline. Such masculine features.

He tilts his head to the side, observing my every move.

Smooth, Sasha.

Just in time, he lowers his head. Devoting his attention to the screen of his cellphone, I happen to catch a glimpse of a Rolex clasped around his wrist. Along with his expensive ride, he’s also wearing a suit and tie. It’s evident he’s wealthy.

Maybe, he’s friendly. Although, a strong intuition warns me that he’s the opposite.

“Is this your car?” I ask.

“It is.”

That voice.

So seductive, and throaty. My breathing hitches. I can’t help but allow my gaze to take note of his muscular arms and firm chest beneath his suit. My imagination wanders.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmur, losing my composure.

“Appreciate it.”

“Where are you headed?”

Suddenly, he lifts his head, and our eyes lock.

Oh, wow.

My insides immediately turn to mush. Those piercing, blue orbs are so intense, so sharp, they could cut you like a knife. Mesmerizing, although terrifying, in the most beautiful way.

“The Pierre.”

My eyes widen. “Wow, a five-star hotel,” I say, impressed, yet envious. “The most prestigious hotel in New York—”

“Listen,” he arrogantly interrupts. “I’m in quite a rush—”

“Well,Sir,” I cut him off mid-sentence, turned off by the rudeness of his tone. “I’ll take the hint. Have a nice night.”

Turning away, I head for the sidewalk with my dignity.

Smug bastard.

Beautiful,smug bastard.

“Wait,” he calls out.
