Page 78 of Dominant Desires

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Halting himself to an abrupt stop, all I can hear is the sound of the crickets, the gentle wind, and my uneven breaths. Time has stopped. I can’t feel anything, other than my pounding heart thumping wildly against my ribcage.

Eventually, he turns to face me, looking straight into my eyes. “I don’t know,” he whispers.

“Goodnight,” I say.

He remains motionless, silent. With that, I leave his sight.

* * *

The blankets keepme warm as I snuggle into them. The room is dark, although the moon from the window creates a natural night light. My mind is finally able to shut down.

Until out of nowhere, there’s a gentle knock upon my door.

My eyes shoot open and I grow curious, keeping still. There’s another small knock shortly after as I rush out of bed, realizing I was not imagining it. Flipping on the light switch, I pull open the door, shocked to see Jaxon standing in the hallway.

His gaze remains locked on an object in his grasp, and it’s almost impossible to figure out what it is from the way he’s moving it around in his palm. Without prolonging this moment any further, his eyes meet mine, and he holds out his hand.

“This is for you,” he breathes, searching every inch of my face. “We need to ensure that our fake engagement is as realistic as possible. I tried my very best to pick out something I thought you’d prefer.” He briefly hesitates. “I hope you like it.”

Looking away from his troubled face, he carefully places a small, velvet box onto the center of my palm. A dramatic gasp escapes me, as I stare up at him once more in disbelief.

“Goodnight, Sasha.”

Staring at his backside as he walks away, I am left speechless. Standing quietly in my doorway, I struggle hard to catch my breath.

Closing my door and sitting down on the bed, I brace myself, trying to contain my racing thoughts. The moment I lift the lid, my heart nearly stops. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.


Its elegance and simplicity is far beyond my wildest dreams. With a platinum band, outlined in several small emeralds, the main diamond leaves my hands trembling.

It’s much larger than I had anticipated, shimmering brightly as the light makes contact. I am fascinated.

Reaching in ever so slowly, I remove the beautiful ring from the placement of the small, velvet box. How could he surprise me with something so gorgeous?

This was beyond thoughtful of him, especially in a time where I didn’t think he could be thoughtful.

What does this man want from me?

Carefully pushing it back into the slit in the box, I close the lid. Placing it into the top drawer of my nightstand, I turn off the light and crawl back into bed.

Wrapping myself back into the silk sheets, I finally fall asleep.

* * *


Awaking from my deep slumber, jolting up, I’m now on alert. Something has happened. Glancing over to the clock, I read that it’s a little past two o’clock in the morning. Has someone broken into the house? Surely, with his security systems, this most likely isn’t the case. Although, curiosity does get the best of me.

Peaking my head outside of my bedroom door, silence overwhelms me. Maybe I have dreamt it?

Making my way downstairs, footsteps from the living room grasp my attention. My gaze sets on Jaxon, casually standing beside the fireplace that’s been lit.

Suddenly, our eyes lock.

“Well, well, well. Look who it is.”

His playful, yet sarcastic tone, sends a wave of confusion over me. The moment he stumbles to the side, I understand what’s going on.
