Page 91 of Dominant Desires

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“Let me go!”


“Get the fuck away from her,” Jaxon commands. Threatening, powerful, vicious.

The man immediately releases me, and I take in the sight of Jaxon staring savagely at the man before us.

Jaxon darts forward, grabs him by his suit jacket, and tosses him into the wall with aslam.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Jaxon growls, ominously, demanding an answer. “Don’t you ever touch her again, or I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Jax,” I gasp.

He slams him against the wall again, harder, and the loud thump makes me jump. Quickly rushing toward them, Jaxon shoots me a stare, warning me to back off.

I step back.

“Calm down, bud,” the man groans, smirking mischievously. “You won’t hurt me. Not here, in front of all these guests.”

“Do you want to fucking test me?”

The man gives up, holding up his hands in defeat.

Jaxon releases him, shoving him across the hallway. Suddenly, his eyes lock with mine. Before I can even make sense of it, Jaxon strides over to where I’m standing, and brings me closer.

“Are you okay?” he quietly asks.

“I’m fine,” I stammer.

Taking my face between his hands, he searches my eyes. “Did he hurt you?”


“Am I sensing admiration?” The man chuckles, taunting him. “You mean to tell me you actually care about this slut?”

Jaxon turns without the slightest bit of warning, and his fist meets the man’s face with a crunch. Grasping his nose, blood pours from it like a faucet, and he slumps to the floor.

“I’m sorry,” Jaxon says, blocking my view. “I am so sorry this bastard put his hands on you. Come with me.”

Without hesitating for another moment, I place my hand in his.

“Nice seeing you again, Jaxon,” he mumbles through bloody, clenched teeth. “It’s been a while, but it’s always a pleasure.”

Without any further words, we turn around the corner. Walking fast through the dining area, my thoughts are now on overload, and my stomach is in knots. After believing they were strangers to one another, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

They know each other, and I can’t help but wonder what the mystery man’s intentions truly were.

If only I knew.


There are reporters and cameramen gathered along the sidewalk as we step outside the restaurant. Within seconds, Jaxon is recognized, and an army of paparazzi begins to scurry in our direction.

He leans down just in time, and presses his lips beside my ear. “Look down, and walk fast.”

Jaxon swiftly removes his jacket and shields my face to the best of his abilities. Soon enough, they have us swarmed. There’re flashing lights and loud chatter, as I keep my focus on the concrete ground. Gripping his jacket and pulling it further over my head, he leads me safely to the limo.

“Mr. Edwards, who is this woman you are with?”
