Page 30 of All the Discord

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Bryan whipped his head around at me with wide eyes. I’d hit the issue right on the head. He blinked in shock before focusing on his food.

“So job, Cadence. What do you do?” Toby asked, changing the topic.

I winced.

It wasn’t like it was a huge secret or that I even wanted to keep it as one. I just didn’t like to talk about it. Sometimes I felt dirty. Lindie was very good at ripping people off for just one song. And she did everything she could to exploit my talents.

I shifted around, trying to get comfortable. The pain medication was beginning to work so my back was a dull ache at that point.

“Come on, Candy,” Toby whined.

I frowned at him. “Why do you keep calling me Candy-whatever?” I asked, hoping to distract him.

His grin widened, and he knew what I was doing, but he allowed it for the moment. “Because you’re sweet. There is no way in hell you aren’t sweet. Calvin adored you since the moment he met you. And you look all sweet. Like strawberries dipped in white chocolate. Now, stop changing the topic. What do you do? Everyone’s curious.”

And boy were they. All four of them waited for an answer.

I sighed. “I’m a freelance songwriter-slash-composer.”

They just stared at me, probably not sure if they believed me or not.

“I write music and sell rights for them to be used.”

“Holy shit! Is that why you have such nice things?” Toby asked, his eyes lighting up. I nodded, trying not to squirm. I wasn’t a materialistic person, but Lindie was and impressions were everything to her. I was only allowed to buy the best of the best or face her wrath. I gave up a long time ago fighting her in that way. The scars from previous battles were enough.

“What have you composed?” Paxon asked.

“Let me see your phone.” I held out my hand, and he unlocked it before giving it to me.

I went to his music library and easily found one of the albums I worked on.

“Here.” I showed him my name as the songwriter and composer for the album. All the boys leaned in and their eyes widened in surprise.

“Th-this came out f-four years ago. It was a huge hit,” Paxon stuttered, taking off the dark blue beanie he was wearing and running his hand through his blond strands.

I nodded. It had allowed Lindie to expand our home, adding three more rooms and more garage space.

“You had to be thirteen when it came out,” Justin said.

I nodded. “I’ve been doing this since I was around ten years old.” Right after my father left me and Lindie went crazy. I did a lot of melodies for kids’ shows, commercials, and then throughout the years, branched off to full-fledged songs. Add in Lindie’s persistence and dedication, she got people to buy what I created.

Toby’s mouth made the wow motion but without sound. Bryan was off in thought. Paxon stared at me and then at the album. Justin just stared at me. I glanced away from him, not able to handle the intensity of his gaze.

The bell rang, and I packed up my things. The boys stood. Justin grabbed my arm and helped me up. I tried to cover the wince at the awkward movement, and thought I failed but no one said anything or even seemed to notice. Bryan came to my side and we headed to our class. The entire time Bryan seemed lost in his thoughts.

We got to class and settled down into our seats. Bryan sat next to me and turned to face me.

When he still didn’t say anything, I grew frustrated. “Yes?”

Bryan swallowed. “I almost forgot, but my parents used to bring me to music performances. I often saw this little girl play. Every time she played the piano, she left everyone in awe, and when she stopped, everyone would be on their feet. Eventually she stopped performing. Was she you?”

My shoulders sagged and I looked down at the desk, not wanting to look at him. Those times were happier times. I mean it still wasn’t perfect, but it was definitely better and music back then was more for fun rather than reputation and profit. I shouldn’t have been surprised that with Bryan’s background, he’d seen me once or twice when I was little.

“Yeah. I’ve played the piano since I could move my little fingers.” I made the motion like I was playing an air piano.

“Why did you stop? A lot of people had high hopes for you.”

This time I did look up at him. There was no judgment in his eyes. Just curiosity. For once, he wasn’t looking for a fight. I sighed. I could probably pick a fight with him, but staying mad at him sounded exhausting. “My dad left. Those competitions were his thing. I did them because I wanted to make him proud. Lindie still had me perform, but at smaller events. A lot of charities, weddings, festivals, and whatnot. I refuse to play anywhere else.” And now that Lindie was at the hospital, she couldn’t force me to do so.
