Page 37 of The Twisted Mark

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Connor’s grin when he sees me suggests I’m doing something right.

“Care to join me?”

“I guess there’s time for a quick splash. But I’m going into town with the Sadler siblings. Or the ones that aren’t in jail, at any rate. They insisted I invite you.”

He sheds his jeans and T-shirt and slips into the bath before I can answer. For a moment, I don’t speak, just revel in the heat of the water and the touch of his body as his hands glide over me.

I probably ought to decline. Tell Connor I’m tired or talk him into a night in, tell Chrissie to lay off the match-making that she’s blatantly attempting, and tell Liam—for the hundredth time—that I can’t be seen to be socialising with the family.

But the combination of a glamourous night out, a date with Connor, and some family time is too tempting to resist. We all need something to distract us from what’s happening to Bren.

Connor and I play around in the bath then finish off laid out on towels on the bed. As soon as we’ve both had our fun, I jump to my feet.

“Best start getting ready. Got to look good for the clients.”

I rummage in my suitcase—at some point, I’m really going to have to unpack properly—and pull out a little black dress.

“What do you think?”

Connor looks away. “I’ve actually brought you something to wear. Or rather, Chrissie Sadler gave me something and told me I simply had to make you wear it.”

I cross my arms. “Truly, this family’s respect for professional boundaries knows no bounds. How does she even know my size?”

While I whinge—half keeping up the act, half genuinely irritated at Chrissie’s desire to treat me like a little doll—I can’t help but smile inside at the certain knowledge that the dress is going to be a perfect fit, absolutely beautiful, and far more revealing than anything I’d buy for myself.

It doesn’t disappoint. I tend to prefer floaty, billowy cuts, but this is silk, tailored close to my body, and sitting high on my thigh and low on my chest. In any normal dress like this, I’d be worried about my lumps and bumps, and about showing too much skin. But this flatters me, striking the right balance between sexy and sophisticated. I’m never sure whether it’s magic or unerring taste and a unique understanding of the female body that allows Chrissie to pick and create such perfect outfits.

I sit and do my hair and make-up, while Connor changes into a suit he’d also packed into the dress bag. With him watching me appreciatively, I couldn’t use magic to help the process along even if I wanted to risk it.

There’s a cursory knock at the door, and then Liam and Chrissie fling it open and stroll inside.

I try to imagine how I’d react if they were really just my latest client’s siblings, but I’m too excited at seeing them all dressed up to put on much of a performance.

“Why, Miss Elner, don’t you scrub up well?” Chrissie says, grinning and perching herself on my dressing table. She’s wearing a dress nearly identical to mine, but her hair is in an elaborate style, half twisted up do, half cascading waves.

“Colson, what are you up to with our lawyer?” Liam laughs and slaps him on the back. “Anyway, best get downstairs. Shane and Ray are waiting.”

“No Leah tonight?” I ask the question cautiously. I don’t want to sound like I know the family too well, but even in my Kate guise, I’ve met them all before. Hell, I’ve worked with Leah to prepare her for cross-examination. She’s an odd omission.

“She’s too upset about Brendan for nights out,” Chrissie explains, from her perch.

“The bloody girl needs to pull herself together,” Liam adds. “It’s not like the rest of us aren’t worried sick. But we put on a brave face and have some fun. She’ll never make it as a Sadler.”

“Are you sure she’s not pregnant?” I ask. “Brendan said they were trying. It’s in his witness statement.”

Chrissie shakes her head. “Trust me, I can tell. Anyway, let’s get a move on.”

“Where are we actually going?” I ask.

“The Prohibition Casino,” Chrissie replies, bounding off the dressing table and onto her feet, and spraying herself with my perfume.

Connor takes my arm and helps me stand. “Is that wise?”

It’s a solidly Thornber establishment.

Liam grins as he opens the door and leads the way out. “It’s important we get our faces seen.”

* * *
