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"Jag ?lskar dig, vackra. I will see you soon. Be safe. "

My lips curved into an unconscious smile at his mental words, my eyes prickling with tears. I sent him back my own message. "Please hurry. I don't know how long I can do this without you. "

"Josie!" Anna's voice broke into our silent conversation. She was impatient, her toe tapping out a frantic rhythm of the floor. "You'll see him in two hours. Can you tear yourself away from him to actually spend some time with us?"

Guilt stabbed at my chest. It was Anna that had supported me during those dark days when I was mourning Stefan's disappearance. The least I could do was spend time with my two friends and attempt to have fun.

"I'm sorry, Anna. Let's go. "

Anna grinned in triumph, linking her arm through mine as we walked out to Georgia's car together. I was buckling my seat belt when I heard Anna's voice from the back seat. "If you think you're off the hook for abandoning us for days, you're crazy. "

Closing my eyes, I banged my head against the head rest of the car seat. There was no escape now, I was a willing captive to their oncoming interrogation.

Georgia let out a loud peal of laughter as she started her car, roaring down the driveway. I didn't have to be psychic to know it was going to be a long night.


We were sitting at a small table in the corner of Ku De Ta, a local hot spot in Seminyak. The front portion of the building was a beautifully decorated restaurant and the back was a multi-tiered night club. It was exactly the place I usually avoided due to the large crowds of people. I'd have to work harder to keep out the visions and emotions since this was on my personal 'no-no' list.

Checking my mental shields, I was surprised to find it in place and stronger than normal. The shields were getting so strong that only an occasional a vision would manage to break through and blocking emotions were easier than ever for me to do. It was yet another thing to tuck away for me to consider later.

We were halfway through dinner and both Georgia and Anna had both been amazingly reserved, making idle chit chat about work, shopping and men they'd dated recently. I tuned out most of their conversation, occasionally sneaking a glance at my watch and sipping my glass of wine. I'd just started to really relax when the conversation turned to Stefan and I immediately tensed.   It was if they could smell blood in the water and they went in for the kill.

"What was Hunky's story for leaving, Josie?" Georgia asked, reaching for her glass of wine. She took a sip and continued. "I thought you were finished with him and didn't want his drama. "

Twisting my napkin in my lap, I sighed deeply. "Stefan ha

d business issues to deal with. He left me a note and it ended up getting misplaced. I can't stay mad over a misunderstanding, Georgia. "

Anna was uncharacteristically quiet. She absently traced patterns on the tablecloth with her fingers, a wry smile on her lips. It was obvious Anna was not going to come to my aid or be of any assistance.

"Business issues and misunderstandings?! Is that what they call it when men go off for days only to come back and grovel for forgiveness? " Georgia fixed a pointed look me at over her wine glass, her tone holding a note of mockery. "And do they not have phones where he does his 'business'?

Tensing at her scathing tone, I plastered a tight smile on my lips and did my best to keep my voice low. "Georgia, I don't want to do this with you. He admitted he made a few mistakes when he left," I paused for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts. "I made mistakes too. He came to Anna's house and tried to explain where he'd been. I basically told him to fuck off and hit the road. "

"She was a real bitch to him if it makes you feel better, Georgia. He tried to talk and she gave his fine ass the boot. " Anna interjected coolly, glancing at me with a finely arched eyebrow as if challenging me to argue with her.

I shot her a look of betrayal, folding my arms across my chest defensively. This was exactly why I didn't want to come out tonight. They both had my best interests at heart although they weren't good at showing it. Neither could understand my relationship with Stefan. They had no idea that the man I was with was a millennia old vampire that shared my gift. It was almost too much for me to comprehend on a good day.

"Good. He deserved it," Georgia said smugly. "Josie, you can't let some hot piece of ass stroll in and think he's going to run your life. I told you to hook up. There's a difference between a night of hot sex and a relationship. "

Angrily slamming my hand on the table, I leaned forward in my seat slightly. I drew in a calming breath, trying to keep my voice level as I addressed Georgia. "I know the difference between a hot sex and a relationship, Georgia. I happen to be lucky enough to have them both with him. " My anger waned as my thoughts drifted to Stefan. When I spoke again, my tone was softer. "We love each other. The first night we met, it was if everything aligned for me. It was like I'd known him forever. "

Anna and Georgia shared a skeptical look across the table. Minutes passed, and an uneasy silence hung over the table as we finished our dinner and drinks. It was Georgia that finally broke the silence.

She shrugged her shoulders, a large grin breaking over her face. "If this is what you want, I support you. Hunky is easy on the eyes and if he makes you happy, I'm happy. "

"Can you please call him Stefan, Georgia? Hunky just sounds wrong. " I narrowed my eyes at Georgia and felt my lips curve into a small smile.

"Stefan. Hunky. Whatever. " Georgia waved me off dismissively, focusing her attention on the contents of her purse.

"If the drama portion of the evening is over, can we move on to the fun part of the night? I feel like dancing," Anna said, making a motion with her hand to their waiter for the check.

"Ooh, I am! Let's go, there are men to conquer. " Georgia clapped her hands with enthusiasm.

The check was settled and we made our way to the back of the building. I could already hear the music playing, the thumping sound of dance music assaulting my ears as we stepped into the darkened club. Neon lights were flashing and it took a moment for us to adjust to the combination of the darkness of the club and the random flashing lights. My eyes scanned the room, watching people writhing and moving against each other on the already crowded dance floor.

"Let's get a drink!" Anna yelled over the music, grabbing our arms and pulling us towards the bar area. Anna leaned across the bar, placing their drink order. A few moments later she pressed a glass into our hands, smiling wickedly. "Sex on the Beach!"
