Page 34 of Runaway Mate

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“A smuggler, anyway. It was a helpful ruse and cover so I could do what I had to do.”

“Gather information to use against the League, and lend aid to help the Shadow Sisters?”

“Who do you think funds their various rescues? Females, especially among shifters, are often overlooked or their value discounted. It makes them outstanding operatives.”

Sean shook his head and marveled at the lynx-shifter’s keen intelligence, cunning, and ability to hide in plain sight. No wonder Winter had found in him a leader she could believe in and follow. He had surely failed her in that way when he brokered a deal with her father. He vowed to himself he would not fail her again.

They had written down all the VIN numbers, finding that some had been altered and trying to ascertain the real ones in addition to the false ones. By the time they had what they needed and were headed into town to turn over the information, Sean had determined to go find his mate and take her back to Windsong, where he planned to keep her in bed and make love to her several times before dawn came calling.

They had just entered the sheriff’s office and were talking with Derek when Sean felt two piercing pains in his lower back as though he’d been stabbed by a thousand needles.

“You all right, Campbell?” asked the deputy.

“Fine,” Sean said, trying to shake it off. He would have dismissed it if it hadn’t been for the brief flare of fear that flowed down the link and then vanished as if it had been snuffed out. “Something’s wrong with Winter.”

He turned away and was halfway out the door, with Colby following close behind him, when Derek asked, “How do you know that?”

“The bonding link. Something’s happened that frightened her—and my mate does not frighten easily.”

They hurried toward The Workshop. Spotting the SUV Winter had driven, Sean approached it and could see signs of something—or someone—being dragged into the alley where the signs of a scuffle were all too easy to discern. Sean’s growing sense of unease quickly turned to dread. “Someone’s taken her,” he whispered.

Saying the words out loud made his own concern for his mate—for the woman he loved—all the more real. “I’m taking the SUV.”

“I’m not sure why you’re telling Derek because I’m coming with you,” said Colby.

“If something’s happened to Winter, it’s a police matter, and Jax and I will handle it.”

Sean rounded on Derek. “Before you can get Miller down here, they could have killed my mate.”

“Easy, Campbell,” said Colby. “If they had wanted her dead, we’d have found a body. No, they want something from her, from you, or from me. Let’s go back inside The Workshop while Derek calls Jax and see if Dash or Will saw anything suspicious or saw anyone leave with her.”

“You don’t know they grabbed her when she was leaving. I don’t have time to waste on your little inquiries. You check with whoever you want, but I’m taking the SUV and going after her.”

“Colby is right,” Derek said. “We know she was leaving, because it’s been snowing. If they’d snatched her when she got here, the tracks would have been covered over or at least a whole lot harder to see. You have no idea how many people are involved, but given Winter’s ability to take care of herself, I think we have to assume at least three or four here at the scene, and who knows how many at wherever it is they took her to.” Colby and Sean both stared at the young deputy. “What, do you think Jax just keeps me around for my pretty face and manly physique?”

“I’m not going to wait,” said Sean. “Partly because as you pointed out, it’s snowing, and tracking her will be easier before the snow obscures any trail.”

Derek nodded, removed his two-way radio and tossed it to Sean. “Good point. Keep the radio with you. It’ll keep us in touch.”

“Won’t you need one?” asked Sean.

“Yes, but we have more back at the office, and I’ll have Jax turn his on until I can get back there. Look, Campbell, I know she’s your mate, but most of us here in Mystic River considered Winter to be one of us long before you showed up. We’ve got her, and by extension, your back. We won’t let you down.”

Sean ducked his head, humbled by the deputy’s simple declaration. He understood why Winter had chosen this place to be her home and to become part of the fight to defend it. He would look to her to tell him where they needed to improve things at Curaidh. He would make it her home—one she could be proud to be a part of.

“You have my thanks for being a part of Winter’s life. Your generosity and kindness will not be forgotten,” said Sean.

“Campbell!” Colby called, tossing something his way. “Keys. Take her SUV. That way we’ll not only have the two-way radio, but we can track the GPS locator chip.”

Sean got into the SUV, and her scent filled his nostrils. “I’m coming, Winter. We’ve got back up, but I’m coming.”

He pulled the SUV out of its parking space and drove to the alley where he followed the tire tracks. Once outside the narrow confines of the alley, Sean was able to ease the SUV just to the side of the tracks, rolling down the window so he could stick his head out and see them more clearly. The trail led to a lonely stretch of road leading out of town. The van or panel truck turned off the main road and went down what seemed to be a private drive. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, Sean maneuvered the SUV off the road and behind a rock.

There was nothing he could think of that wouldn’t take all night to disguise its presence. Winter’s vehicle was a black SUV in a sea of white. He opened the hatch on its back and chuckled. Apparently, Winter had hidden the thing more than once. There was a snow-colored camouflage net. Closing the SUV back up, he quickly covered what could be seen of the vehicle and then began to move along the side of the drive, using the trees, foliage, and rocks to keep his presence concealed.

“Not too long now, my love. The others are behind me, but they’re coming. They can track me and the SUV.”

Sean didn’t know if she could actually hear or feel his presence, but he hoped she could and that she would take comfort in knowing he was close. He could feel her almost like a spirit in the night, guiding him steadily onward to where she was being held. The drive led down to what appeared to be a small warehouse or offloading facility that had been built along the riverfront. There were no vehicles parked anywhere that he could see.

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