Page 61 of Isaac

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The glare my mother gives me is the worst I’ve ever seen on her face.

Great, she hates me too when all I’m trying to do is protect Lyla from getting her heart broken.



Morning sickness has been kicking my ass for the past few nights. It started a few days after my doctor’s appointment, as if to provide confirmation that I am indeed pregnant.

So, I had only been asleep for a few hours when I woke up to the sound of the doorbell and a knock at the door.

Tonight was Laurel’s wedding, so my heart was racing as I jumped out of bed, hoping it was Isaac.

Brooke beat me to the door. She was already heading back to her room with a sleepy wave when I saw our late-night guest.

“Lyla? What’s wrong?” I asked, trying to blink my heavy eyes open to see her. There was a large bag on her shoulder, and I didn’t need to turn the light on to see her tears when I heard her sniffling. “Can I stay with you?”

“Sure, of course,” I agreed without knowing if she meant for a night or a month. Either was fine, although her staying here would keep Isaac away even longer. Still, my best friend comes first. I knew Brooke wouldn’t mind.

It was impossible to go back to sleep once Lyla crashed into my bed, so I was showered and ready to start the day when she finally woke up.

“Good, you’re finally awake!” I exclaim, possibly a little too loudly since Lyla cringes as if she wants to bury herself in the sheets. Sheets that thankfully no longer smell like her father because I’ve washed them twice since he was last here. That’s how long it’s been…

Pushing those thoughts aside, I say, “Now will you tell me what happened last night?”

The small smile on her face completely contradicts the tears from last night before she answers my question. “I had sex.”

“Finally!” I squeal, happy for her and relieved that she’s no longer a virginal saint who sometimes made me feel bad for enjoying sex. “How was it?”

“Amazing, better than I imagined,” she replies with a widening grin. “Although, it didn’t feel great at first, and I’m a little sore today because he was so big.”

“Wait. Who did you have sex with?” I ask since I didn’t think she was even dating anyone. “Someone you met at the wedding?”

She fidgets with a string on the comforter. “I sort of ran into him outside the reception.”

“Wow, so you lost your virginity to a stranger?”

I thought she was waiting for Mr. Right all this time.

“Not exactly. I already knew him from a few years ago.”

“Yeah? How?”

“He used to be married to Laurel.”

I can’t help it. My jaw drops because that was the last person I would’ve guessed on this earth. “You slept with your sister’s ex-husband on her wedding night?” She gives me a nod. “I bet she’s going to be furious when she finds out! Can I please be there when you tell her?”

Serves Laurel right for being so hateful to her younger sister all these years. Not to mention for refusing to invite me to the wedding.

“No! I wasn’t planning on making it a thing, rubbing it in her face or whatever. Laurel doesn’t need to know.”

“Why not? She’s always been such a bitch to you. It’s time for payback.”

“That’s not why I slept with him.”

“Then…why did you?” I ask in confusion.

“Because he’s gorgeous and sweet, and he wanted me. Like he desperately wanted me.”
