Page 74 of Isaac

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I open my mouth to ask what he means when he takes the lid off the box, revealing a dozen perfect sky-blue roses.

The same blue as my sweater. The same blue used to represent baby boys.

And maybe I’m crazy, but I think it’s a sign that we’re having a son.

“Why are you crying? Is it a happy cry?” Isaac asks. “Did I fuck up the color? Should’ve gone with the pink or red?”

“No, blue is perfect. I love them,” I assure him as I swipe a finger under my eye to catch the tear that escaped, then take the box from his hands. “I should…I should find a vase.”

“They don’t need water,” he says. “Just leave them in the box out of the sun, and they’re supposed to last at least a year, maybe longer,” he says.

“How?” I ask in disbelief.

“No clue how it’s done, but that’s what they told me. If they lied, I’ll go back and kick their asses.”

Unable to hold back my laugh, I tell him, “Thank you. They’re beautiful.” I don’t want to put them down, but I can’t exactly hold them on the back of Isaac’s motorcycle. Taking them over to the kitchen, I sit them on the counter, well away from any windows.

As I walk back to Isaac, still waiting in the doorway, he says, “Mind if we take your car?’

“Are you kidding me?” I huff.

“No.” He chuckles at my narrowed eyes because we both know how it turned out the last time I took my car on a date. “I’ll drive,” he offers. “And you can even hold on to the keys when we’re not inside of it.”

Since he went out of his way to track down my car within twenty-four hours of the theft, I feel certain he wouldn’t steal it and leave me stranded.

“We could take my bike, but we’ll be gone awhile, and I don’t want you to get cold,” he adds.

“Fine,” I agree as I dig the keys from my purse. Our fingers barely graze each other on the handoff, but it’s enough to have me craving more, wanting to run my hands over his body. I have to remind myself that no sex was my suggestion.

“Ready?” Isaac asks, not looking the least bit like he’s imagining rubbing me down.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I agree.

In the car, we let the radio fill the silence between us until I begin to notice the direction he’s headed.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see. Nothing fancy. I doubt they would let me in one of those places,” Isaac says with a grin.

“I don’t want or need fancy,” I assure him. “I had enough of that growing up.”

“Good,” he says, sneaking a quick look at me, his eyes lingering on my legs. “Always with the sexy boots,” he remarks when his gaze returns to the road.

“They go with everything.”

“And nothing.”

“And nothing,” I agree. Knowing where my mind is headed, I decide to change the subject. “Have you heard from Lyla lately?”

The road is dark, but I still see Isaac’s jaw clench. “No. She won’t answer my calls or respond to them after Fulton spilled his guts and my lies to her.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell him, assuming he wouldn’t have lied about something unless it was important. Like sleeping with her best friend. Oh god. “It wasn’t about us, right?”

“No,” he answers. “Nothing to do with us.”

“Good. And I barely get more than a word or two back when I text her. She’s probably just busy. She told me she got the job.”

Isaac’s head snaps to me. “She did?”

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