Page 87 of Isaac

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“The chop shop you destroyed, the men who got arrested, they won’t be locked up forever,” Chase explains.

Torin adds, “Our informant on the inside says they spend every day inside planning their revenge.”


“Show him,” Torin says to his brother.

Chase announces first, “I’m reaching for an envelope, just paperwork,” before he pulls it out and tosses it on my desk.

I eye them both, wondering if this is a trap, before finally picking the papers up and unfolding them. Each page is a photo and inmate information on all of the men from the chop shop, including Joseph Graves. The final page is a handwritten bullet-pointed list.

End Garrison

Take bikes

Blow bar

End Perry

“While we’re not entirely sure what the Joseph guy meant when he wrote that, I think we can guess,” Torin says. I barely hear him over the roaring in my head. “If he takes the plea agreement the DA offered, he’ll get out in thirteen months, including time served. By the end of the year, he could walk right out the prison door and most likely get started on that list of his.”

“How…” I try again.

“We have eyes and ears everywhere, on friends and foes. We can make sure that man doesn’t leave the prison or, if he does, that he won’t get far,” Chase offers. “But we only stick our necks out for our brothers in skull king patches.”

“You’re lucky nobody died with the whole Calvin Dockery debacle and that only one of the Fulton boys was hurt. That could’ve ended badly for your guys and ours,” Torin remarks.

Jesus. They’re like some kind of fucking all-knowing biker gods. I knew the Savage Kings had plenty of members to make them dangerous, but the information, the goddamn secrets they know, they’re lethal. I even heard they have connections with the feds, making them literally untouchable.

“We know about the demolition derby, the extortion of local businesses for protection, and gun running you’ve got going on around here to put money in your guys’ pockets,” Torin says. “We don’t plan to shut down any of your enterprises. If anything, we’ll help them expand.”

“You’ve got one week to convince your men to patch over or turn in their Devil Hound patches. No prospecting period will be required. Each of your members will become fully patched members if they pass our background checks. You’re cleared, the others probably will be too,” Chase says. “We can’t let the kidnapping of one of our prospects go unpunished. We protect our own, and the only way to do that is with force and fear. It’s nothing personal.”

“I fucking knew you would find a reason to try and shut us down from the second the Rockland chapter popped up.”

“Really? You can keep telling yourself we were out to get you, but we barely knew you existed before that stunt you pulled several months ago,” Chase says. “Nobody touches the Savage Kings and gets away with it scot-free. That’s the only reason we’re taking your club out. But you can keep right on blaming us all you want. For retribution, we have to end the Devil Hounds. We’re still offering you a sweet fucking deal. Only a fool would refuse it for the sake of his pride.”

There’s apparently nothing else to be said because both men get to their feet, towering over my desk.

“You haven’t seen Holly lately, have you, Isaac?” Torin asks, making my lungs freeze.

“You apparently would know if I had, wouldn’t you?” I grit out through clenched teeth. When he doesn’t answer but stands there waiting for my response, I finally give him the truth. “No. I haven’t seen her in months. Why?” It’s hard to believe it’s only been a couple of months when every day has felt like an eternity since I walked away, leaving her crying…

“Then let me offer you a suggestion, not a threat or a warning. I swear on my brother’s life we wouldn’t lay a finger on her,” Torin says as he places his palm on Chase’s shoulder. “You should check in on her. Sooner rather than later.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Take it however you want. I only mentioned it because…well, I’ve been in your shoes before, and I wish someone would’ve told me.”

“Told me what?”

Torin opens the door and walks out. Chase, right behind him, says, “See ya, Isaac. Hopefully next time with better patches.”



Ihave been a nervous wreck all day, thinking about seeing Lyla tonight. More times than I can count, I considered canceling. But I know Brooke would go through with her threat. Telling Lyla in person is better than her finding out by text.
