Page 14 of Burned

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“And her hair is pink,” Jolene adds.

“I see that,” Hayes tells them, never taking his eyes off me. “I like that peachy color. Reminds me of the Montana sunsets.”

I can’t help it — I laugh right in his face, spitting pieces of biscuit out as I do. He blinks and leans back.

“I’m so sorry,” I tell him while chewing.

“Serves you right.” Clyde grins and leans back to open his paper. “Don’t flirt with the new hire.”

“Don’t flirt with anyone that works here!” Katherine scolds.

“She’s the only female. I promise, the others are safe.” Hayes grins and sits next to me. “So, Poppy the peach from the city. I’d be happy to walk you down to the rescue barn when you’re finished. I can give you all the dirt on my brothers on the way.”

“Thank you,” I tell him, grinning when his eyes light up. “I would actually love that. I think I need to level the playing field when it comes to the grump.”

“Rhett?” he asks, a look of interest sparking. “He’s harmless. But I have plenty I can tell you.”

Hayes stands and holds out his hand for me to take. I do, and he tugs me up.

“Will you come to dinner on Saturday?” Wade asks, peeking out next to my legs.

“You should,” Clyde says, turning a page. “Katherine always has the boys over on Saturdays, and we’d love to have you.”

“And we go out afterwards.” Hayes wags his eyebrows. “Drinkin’ and dancin’. What do you say, Poppy the peach from the city?”

I roll my eyes at the nickname. Bit of a mouthful.

“Alright, if you’re sure.” I look over to Katherine, but she just gives me another one of her bright smiles.

“You are always welcome here, sweetheart. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks…whatever your heart desires. Want to come over just for some company? Well, Clyde and I are here for that, too. You just bring yourself and that pretty smile.”

“Thank you.” My eyes water, but I manage to blink it away before anyone notices. Damn, these people have known me for less than twenty-four hours, and they’re already making me feel more at home than I’ve ever felt.

“Ready?” Hayes asks, walking toward the front of the house. “We’ll have to walk it. I don’t have my ATV with me.”

“As long as you don’t throw me up on a horse, I don’t care how we get there.”

He gives me a confused look but shakes it off as I take his arm.

“Bye, everyone! Thank you for breakfast!” I call over my shoulder.

A chorus ofbyesandyour welcomesfollow us as Hayes and I step out into the morning sunlight.

“You gonna helpor just sit there and play that damn guitar?”

Hayes sighs and sticks the guitar pick between his lips as he sits the guitar to the side and stands.

“Poppy didn’t yell at me like this,” he complains, sticking the pick in between the strings. “I want to go work at the rescue.”

I laugh, but it’s anything but humorous. Hayes is a hard worker when he wants to be, but never in the wayweneedhim to be. I need him to be here, on this damn ranch, helping me keep us all afloat. But he wants to pursue music. He’s good — damn good. But I can’t afford to lose him here. Not with Dean gone.

“Poppy isn’t your boss. I am. And you wasted so much time over there with her and Wells that we’re a good chunk behind on this damn fence repair.” We don’t have any animals grazing over here, but come the end of summer, we’ll be switching some of them back to this side of the property, which means this needs to be done by the time the weather starts to change.

“What do you think of her?” he asks as he comes over to help.

I grunt. “S’alright.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the smirk across his face.
