Page 19 of Burned

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“No, I mean—” I sigh. Shit, I’ve stepped in it. “I mean about my kids and the big-ass animals you know nothin’ about.”

“Loud. And. Clear.” She gives a mock salute and turns on her heel. Her jeans grip her ass as she walks away, and I tilt my head to the side to get a better view.

I wonder if she even knows how to get back to the house. I should probably go after her, make sure she gets home okay. I shouldn’t just stand here and watch her walk away, loving every single second I get of watching that ass sway.

But if I do go after her and walk her back to her cabin…I’m worried about walking away. Her sweet face, spicy attitude, and perfect body are a triple threat. I haven’t felt like this around a woman in too long. I don’t trust myself.

I don’t trust my cock. It sucks all the blood from my brain, not leaving a lot of critical thinking skills. And when I think back to how adorable they all looked lying in the field together, laughing and tickling each other, my heart lurches. Their momma never took the time to love them like that, doting on them and giving them the attention they deserve. But Poppy did. Poppy has been.

Momma told me they’ve been spending lunch together every day, and every day, Poppy answers all their questions and teaches them how to be with the dogs. She’s been nothing but nice to my kids and my family, and here I am, shoutin’ at her and making her so angry she shoves and shouts at me.

God, I’m an ass.

She reaches the gate, looks around, and then takes off in the opposite direction she should be going. I drop my head back and sigh.

“Lord, give me the fucking strength.” I take a deep breath and set off after her.


He is an insufferable ass. I take back my apology for saying no woman could stay with him long enough to have babies. Because I don’t even know how anyone could stay long enough to get naked with the asshole.

I look both ways, remembering the way we came from when the kids and I walked over to this field. But I think, unless I’m incredibly turned around, which could very well be the case, that my little house is to the right. I’m not very sure about that, but I refuse to seem like I don’t know what I’m doing after that little rant he went on about me not being grown up enough to handle his fucking kids.

That stung. That stung, a lot.

I know I’ve always been looked at as too young and too this and too that. Being the baby of your family means they don’t understand your boundaries or that you are actually a capable human being. There’s always the stigma of being the youngest. While I took advantage of this throughout my years in high school, I’m a little over it as of late.

And to say that while also looking me up and down like I was something he wanted to take his time eating… God, I hate him. I hate him. And I refuse to admit that him shrugging after looking me over also hurt. Because that look in his eye was heated, so I refuse to believe he’s actually unimpressed. If I do that, my self-confidence will take a massive hit, and no man is going to be the cause of that.

“Poppy!” he shouts.

I can hear his heavy footsteps jogging toward me. I pick up my own pace, practically speed walking to get away from him.

“You’ve said all you needed to say!” I shout back. “Leave it be, Rhett!”

“So I should just leave you walkin’ the wrong way?”


I stop, and he plows into me from behind.

Hah, that’s what she said.

“Fuck’s sake, Poppy!” He grabs onto my arms to keep me from toppling over, and I very quickly right myself and yank free.

“Leave me alone.” I grunt out my frustration and start walking in the opposite direction.

“Just let me walk you home, you infuriating woman!”

“I’d rather chew glass, thanks.”

“Poppy,” he groans, catching up with me easily with those long, strong legs of his. Christ, even when I’m furious with him, I can’t stop my mind from going to the gutter.

Ugh, who am I kidding? My mind lives there. Rent-free. Utilities? Paid for. Internet and cable? Wouldn’t dream of paying for it.

“I can either walk with you or walk behind you. Whichever you prefer.”

“I prefer not at all,” I grumble.
