Page 30 of Burned

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I smack her ass, and it finally brings back some of that Poppy sass I’m used to. She whips around and points a finger in my direction.

“Careful, cowboy. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

“Oh, poppyseed. I very much intend to take a bite.”

I havea few thoughts buzzing through my mind. One: my panties are wet and uncomfortable. Two: does that count as someone else giving me an orgasm? Because technically, I did most of the work, but if it does count, Rhett has officially broken my streak. And three: what the fuck am I doing?

I lean back against the passenger side door of Hayes’ work truck. I’m trying to regulate my breathing, but holy shit, Rhett has turned my night on its head. Thank god I didn’t have time to drink. I want to be fully sober for what’s about to happen because if he can make me come up against the wall of a bar, I’m excited to see what he can do when we’re in private.

The front door of the bar opens, and I push off the truck to watch him walk over to me. God, he’s handsome. Whatever he did with his hair this evening is ruined now from my hands running through it earlier. His form is a force to be reckoned with as his heavy boots crunch on the gravel.

He dangles the keys as he gets closer. I try not to let my excitement show. Play it cool, Poppy. Play it cool.

“They’ll get a ride home with someone from the bar,” he says, closing in on me as he forces my back against the truck door again. “And now I get to have you all to myself for the rest of the night.”

He kisses me again, devouring me from the inside out with his tongue. His hands are in my hair, and his body is pressed against my own. I could die happy. I’ve never been with an older man, let alone a cowboy. I can tell the difference even just in the way he kisses me, like he possesses me. Like I’mhis.

He breaks the kiss and looks down at me, smirking when I struggle to open my eyes and look at him. He’s kissed me fucking senseless. What does he expect?

“Ready to go home, Poppy?”

I nod. “Yes, please.”

Reaching behind me, he nudges me out of the way to open the door. Before I can climb in myself, he’s picking me up at the waist and setting me inside. He didn’t even have to squat and lift with his knees. That man literally just used pure arm strength to lift my over-two-hundred-pound ass into the damn truck.

Getting my ass thrown around in the bedroom is looking very promising.

* * *

The drive home is painfully quiet. But it honestly does nothing to dampen the mood. Instead, it makes the anticipation all that stronger. It’s like we’re both on edge to get home, ready to get naked in bed together. The energy between us is fucking thrumming the entire way back to the ranch.

We pull into the driveway, and he turns the lights off as we go down the long dirt road. The main house is barely in sight when he pulls off on the side to park. The truck bobs and weaves in and out of the ditch and then halts as he puts it in park.

“Don’t wanna alert anyone we’re home this early,” he says, sensing my questions. “The kids would be on us like stink on a pig.”

I snort. Gross simile, but he’s not wrong.

“Makes sense.” I take a deep breath, nervous all over again. Once we get out of this truck, there’s no going back. “Yours or mine?” I ask, looking over at him.

He smirks. “I don’t trust my momma to not bring those kids over first thing in the morning just to mess with me after a night of drinkin’. It’ll have to be yours tonight, poppyseed.”

Tonight. He says that like he plans for there to be more nights, and maybe some of those nights, I’ll be going to his. How will his kids handle that? Am I ready for that? Is this going to be a relationship? Jesus Christ, Poppy. You barely know the guy, and you’re already thinking about relationships.

“You are thinking awful loud over there,” he murmurs, reaching over to run the back of his fingers over my cheek. “Wanna let me into that brain?”

“God, no.” I laugh. “You don’t need to be privy to all my dirty thoughts about you, Rhett Black.”

He turns, quickly opening the door and jumping out. I watch him as he walks around the hood and then opens my door. He stares at me, caging me in the truck with his arms as he does so.

“Poppy,” he starts. “I have been fighting whatever the hell this is since I saw those strawberries on your underwear that first day. And that mouth you have on you…” He trails off and stares at my mouth.

“My mouth?”

“Mm,” he hums. “The way you bite back, sticking up for yourself and puttin’ me in my place.” He drags his thumb across my lips. “I’d like to see how pretty it looks wrapped around my cock.”

“Oh” is all I can think of to say. But I’m thinking I would like that as well.
