Page 37 of Burned

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“Where is she?” I hear Wade ask.

Both Rhett and I laugh.

“I should probably go out there.”

“Probably,” he says, kissing me again. And when I walk out of my room, he slaps me hard on my ass, making me yelp. I think seriously about keeping his clothes from him but decide just in case they do see him, it’s probably better if he has clothes on.

Jolene spots me when I walk out into the living room. Her little face is pushed up against one of the living room windows with her hands around her eyes. I wave at her and then lean over to pick up all of Rhett’s shit when she runs back to the door. He reaches out into the hallway and grabs his clothes right before I open the door.

“Hi, guys!” They both fight to get their arms around me like they haven’t seen me in days.

“We brought you breakfast because our uncles always wake up Sunday mornin’s starving,” Wade tells me.

“Daddy says it’s because they drink like fish. But I don’t think fish drink.” Jolene hands me a plate piled high with biscuits and eggs and bacon. My stomach growls aggressively.

“Sorry it’s so early,” Katherine says, still standing in the doorway. “We were getting everything ready to make the rounds to the boys’ houses when these two thought you’d want some breakfast, too, since you went out with everyone. And you know me, I can’t help but feed every mouth in sight.”

“Thank you so much for thinking of me.” When I look up from the kids, I notice her eyes straying to the floor…where next to the big-ass stain of wine…are Rhett’s motherfucking cowboy boots.

Her cheeks turn pink, and I can tell she’s biting back a smile.

“Verysorry to intrude,” she says again, looking at me with a sly smile.Shit. Rhett is gonna kill me. “Guys, let’s go. Let Poppy eat her breakfast in peace. It’s her day off today.”

“But we want to hang out with her!” Jolene pouts.

“How about y’all come see me tomorrow for lunch? I heard we’re getting some new animals delivered. Maybe we can convince your uncle Wells to take us to see them?”

“Yes!” Wade lunges and shoves his fist into the air like he’s won the lottery.

“Okay, let’s go!” Katherine tries her best to get them moving, but it’s like herding cats when it comes to kids.

“We’re going to Daddy’s next?” Jolene asks.

Katherine’s eyes shoot to mine, and I shake my head as discreetly as possible. She needs to give him a bit of a head start if he’s going to make it over to his before the kids do.

“Let’s do your uncles first. That way, I can just drop y’all at your daddy’s when we get there.”

I mouth her a thank-you, and she just nods and smiles. I don’t know what I was expecting as a reaction once she saw the boots, but there was a tight nervousness in my stomach. I’m a lot younger than him, and I’m his freaking employee. She totally would’ve been within her rights to fire me on the spot.

But that’s not Katherine. That’s not his family.

The door shuts behind them, and I go over to the little island in my kitchen and hop up onto the barstool, wincing at the soreness between my legs. As I peel back the plastic wrap, the delicious scent of homemade food fills my soul with joy. I could get used to this. House calls with amazing food, family dinners, and a hard day’s work that leaves you the best kind of exhausted at the end.

I never want to leave.

“That was close,” Rhett says, walking up behind me to wrap his arms around my shoulders. I lean back into his warmth.

“Well, maybe a little too close, considering your momma saw your boots by the door.”

“Shit.” He pulls away. “I was hopin’ I had pushed them far enough out of the way.”

“Oh, well.” I shrug, spinning around to watch him sit on the couch and tug them on. “She didn’t seem to care. In fact, she was biting back a smile like it was the funniest thing in the world.”

He rolls his eyes and grunts. “That sounds like Momma.”

“You’re grumpy today.”

He sighs and rests his elbows on his thighs. His head hangs down, and I start to get a little kernel of worry blooming in my stomach. I didn’t want this to be a one-night thing, and I definitely didn’t wanthimto be the one to end it. Somehow, that makes it worse, like he pities me or something. Like I’m just some kid that can’t handle whatever it is this is.
