Page 49 of Burned

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Wade just giggles.

“Mine is pink!” Jolene jumps into view. “We wanted to see how long it would take you to notice!”

“That is the coolest!” Wells walks over to him and kneels down in front of him. “Think I’d look good with purple hair?” He looks over to Jolene. “Or pink? Hell, I kind of want pink.”

“Poppy can do it! She’s great at it!” Jolene is bouncing on her tiptoes.

“Why didn’t she do your daddy’s, then?” Hayes asks, grinning like an idiot. Rhett turns to give him a look of death.

“Daddy’s hair is too dark. It wouldn’t have shown up,” Wade answers.

Hayes and Wade both continue to give Rhett shit for the rest of the night, but he takes it on the chin. I guess he’s grown up with his brothers picking on him his entire life, so he has a bit more patience with them than he has with me. The last time I got smart with him, he spanked me until my ass was red.

That was a fun night.

“Come on,” Wells begs. “Come out with us. Take your woman out.”

“Not my woman.” He says it a bit too quickly, and I know he can see the change in my demeanor. I don’t know what I expected him to say, because westillhaven’t talked about what we are. But I didn’t expect him to dismiss me so quickly.

“Okay,” Hayes drawls. “We’ll leave you to whatever it is you’re going to be doing withnotyour woman.”

We watch them drive away, and when they’re out of sight, Rhett puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me off toward his house. I want to slink him off because I want to pout. The little girl inside of me that is far too accustomed to being left is hurt. But the grown woman I’ve worked hard to become is trying not to let it get to her.

I’m an adult, and I can handle whatever this is.

“We have the house to ourselves,” he says, his voice deep and raspy. His breath is warm on my hair as he kisses my temple.

“And what should we do with all this newfound freedom?”

“I can think of a few things…” He leans down and kisses my neck until it tickles, and I pull away.

“Okay, whatever you have on your mind, I am totally down for. But at the rate I’m walking, it’s going to take us all night to get home.” Because while I’m not in as much pain, I still struggle to walk normally. So I tug him to a stop and then stand behind him, gesturing for him to bend down.

“A piggyback ride?” he asks, his eyebrow raised.

“Sure.” I shrug, grinning at him. “Now, bend over, cowboy. I need a ride.”

He setsme down on the front porch, making sure I don’t put too much weight on my ankle. Such a worrywart. I’ve told him multiple times a day over the past few that I’m really not hurting anymore. He holds open the door, and I hike up my jeans from where they fell as we walked over.

“You paint them britches on?”

I snort.

“Britches? How old are you, Rhett Black?” He gives me a look. “I’m just sayin’. I’m all for dating an older man, but even I have my limits.”

“Poppy,” he says with a warning tone. “Keep that shit up and I’ll put you over my knees again.”

“Oh, no,” I say sarcastically, slinking past him into the house. “We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“I knew you liked it.” He walks slowly toward me until my back is up against the wall. “You like it when I spank this ass, Poppy?”

He grabs a handful of ass, his fingers digging into my flesh through the denim. I can’t bite back the moan as I push my hips forward and wrap my hands around the back of his neck. I tug him down and kiss him, biting his lower lip when he pulls away.

“I like anything you do to me, cowboy.”

He grabs my wrists and wraps one of his hands around them, holding them above my head against the wall. My breasts push forward, and he gets distracted for a moment. I purposefully wore something a little more low-cut tonight. Lately, I’ve been stuck in oversized T-shirts and shorts with my hair pulled up and no makeup on. There’s not really been a point to getting ready when Rhett won’t let me do anything other than rest.

So tonight, I wanted to make a bit of an effort. I curled my hair and put a little makeup on. ThebritchesI’m wearing are my favorite pair and make my ass look like a damn peach. I even wore my new cowgirl boots I ordered online. Rhett had made fun of me for it when they arrived the other day, but I think he secretly likes them. He wouldn’t stop staring at me when I put them on.
