Page 67 of Burned

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“Okay, okay. I’ll come.”

“Good.” I smile, feeling like I’ve started to make my first real friend in years. “Want to help me feed Betty? She’ll open up to you much faster if you give her food.”

“Sure.” River laughs. “Just show me how you do it.”

Wells textedme to let me know I was an idiot. Then I got a message from Hayes saying that he heard everything that happened and that I’m an asshole. And then Momma called to let me know I would still be attending Poppy’s birthday no matter how far the stick up my ass has gone.

Always has had a way with words, my momma.

And it’s not like I didn’t intend to go. My kids are still in love with her, and, shit, so am I. I’m in love with her. It’s no excuse, but that’s why I reacted the way I did. I saw him walk in, go right for her, and the second he wrapped his arms around her, my vision went fuckin’ red. When he insinuated she would be leavin’, going back to the city withhim…I lost my shit.

So now here I am, walkin’ over to the main house where the party is takin’ place. The kids ran me late, so I know everyone is probably angry as hell, thinking I’ve decided not to come. But when the kids decided last minute to make their own birthday cards for Poppy, I couldn’t say no.

The sun is already set by the time we get over there, making the massive bonfire Pops and my brothers made stand out like a beacon. Jesus, you’d be able to see it from the damn road. My nerves are stirring in my stomach something awful because I know I’m about to face fucking trial with Poppy. And I know she isn’t going to hold back. I wouldn’t want her to, but damn, it’s gonna be bad.

Joey and Wade run ahead once we get to the house, yellin’ about who is going to find Poppy first. I hope it’s either of them and not me. Maybe they can soften her up a bit. The music is blasting, and there are trucks backed up to the fire with people sitting on the beds as they talk and drink and eat.

Hayes sees me first and storms over.

“The fuck did you do?” His finger is pointed right at me.

I groan. “Don’t start.”

“Don’t start?” His eyes go wide like he can’t believe that just came out of my mouth. “If you fucked up the first good thing that’s happened to you since your kids, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.”

“Would you calm down?”

“You know what he called her?” Wells pops up out of fuckin’ nowhere. “You know what she did?”

“What are you talkin’ about?”

“Well, be gentle with her hand. It’s gonna hurt for a while.” Wells smirks. “She punched the hell out of him. Gave him a good nosebleed.”

“She did what?” It’s my turn for my eyes to go wide.

Shepunchedhim? Woman is a firecracker.

“And then I threatened to put him in the hospital because he called her a cunt.” Wells looks angry now. I’m surprised he was able to control his anger enough to not lash out. It’s not like him to stand down with shit like that. He loves a good fight. “And spit at her feet.”

He better be on a goddamn plane with no intention of coming back because I will kill that little shit if I ever see him again.

“Weak,” Hayes says. “No man worth his salt is gonna speak to a woman that way.”

“Looked like he had soft hands.” Wells grunts. “Refused to shake ’em.”

“Where is she?” My voice comes out as a growl.

“Well, it seems she’s made friends with River.” Wells has his best shit-eatin’ grin on as he looks over at Hayes.

Hayes looks pained but nods over to where Poppy and River are sittin’ together, laughing and drinking on a truck bed. Her booted feet are swinging, and she’s still wearin’ my hat. A whoosh of breath leaves my lungs. She’s still mine.

My fist clings to the gift bag filled with wildflowers and the present the kids and I picked out for her. I told them people normally put colored tissue paper in the bags for presents, but Joey was determined to fill it with flowers instead.

As I watch her, Wade finds her first, grabbing hold of her legs as she reaches down to lift him onto the truck bed in between her and River. Joey isn’t far behind, and they all lean together to read the cards they made for her. I can hear her laughter from across the yard as she throws back her head, holding on to the top of the hat so that it doesn’t fall off.

She’s stunning.

I am awestruck by her. All the time. She knocks me on my ass…daily.
