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I'd almost forgotten the reason that I was there, which was partly why I was caught off guard when he suddenly switched the topic to Enzo and my relationship.

“Well,” I paused, dreading having to give the rehearsed story that felt so bland. I just couldn’t do it. After opening up about my mother, Ludovic would be able to spot the difference in the two stories. I had to pick something that wasn’t so dry and hope that Enzo would be happy with the end result. An idea came to mind from a show I’d watched one evening after a long day of job hunting.It could work.I took a sip of my wine as I made up my mind.

“We met when he tried to pick me up at a bar.”

“Tried? It sounds like there's a story there.” Ludovic leaned forward, intrigued while Enzo glanced at me nervously.

I smiled at Enzo and took his hand giving it a light squeeze as if it were just an affectionate motion, but I was silently telling him that I had it covered.

“Oh, it is quite the story.” I leaned forward as if sharing a secret with Ludovic. “You see, he tried to pick me up at the bar, but I ignored him, thinking that he was just like every other guy out there cruising the bars looking for some girl who was already one drink away from going home with him but that wasn't the case.”


“No. I’d had a really rough day and I'm ashamed to admit, I was drinking a little more than I should have. I was determined to find my own way home. I tried to call a cab, but it was raining so there was none available because nobody wanted to walk in that weather. Enzo offered to drive me home which of course I thought was just another way for him to try to get in my bed.” I chuckled.

“I was desperate and didn't have another way to get home. I knew that I didn't have to let him in once I got there so he drove me to my apartment, walked me to my door, I said good night, and he didn't even try to come in.”

“Really?” Ludovic looked impressed and a little surprised.

I grinned. “He was a perfect gentleman. When I woke up the next morning, I realized that he had left his business card in my door, so I gave him a call and asked him out for coffee.”


“I’d never been so bold with men but considering that he hadn't even tried to come into my apartment, I felt like he was worth taking a second look at. He set himself apart in my eyes that night.”

Ludovic looked convinced and I internally relaxed.

“And when did you two become exclusive?"

"About ten months ago," I said confidently.

“I am so glad that I am finally able to meet you.” Ludovic smirked at Enzo. “And to think, I was actually concerned about your playboy reputation.”

“Well, he does like to protect his old player reputation,” I teased and nudged Enzo with my shoulder. “But I can assure you that he has been a one-woman man ever since I met him.” I could say that with confidence considering that I had only met him two days before and I was pretty sure that he hadn't had a chance to be with anyone else in that short amount of time.

“You two are clearly in love and seem perfect for each other.”

“I couldn't agree more.” I beamed up at Enzo to really sell it, though he had been pretty quiet ever since I first went off script.

I finished another glass of wine and Ludovic refilled it once again. He never let my glass go completely empty, being very attentive.

"So, when do you think you two are going to tie the knot?"

"Tie the...oh—" I glanced at Enzo nervously, unsure of what to say. My cheeks felt flushed more than they had a few moments before, and I suddenly realized that I drank more wine than I had meant to, and it was starting to go to my head. I would have a hard time coming up with my creative stories and keeping our cover intact with the amount of alcohol consumed. It had been a mistake on my part, and I wondered if it had been his plan or a happy accident on his part.

“That hasn't exactly come up just yet,” Enzo said, looking nervous.

“I don't trust a man who is not in a seriously committed relationship, if not married. Being married shows that you are not out searching for the next best thing, the next shiny object that catches your eye. A married man is reliable, trustworthy, and stable which is what we need more of.”

"That makes perfect sense,” Enzo said confidently.

“I need to go to the ladies’ room for a moment. Will you two excuse me?” The men nodded and rose from their chairs as I stood from the table and excused myself. I needed a moment to pull myself together before I blew the whole thing.

Chapter 7


"Shit. What did I get myself into?" I mumbled to myself as I paced the floor of my penthouse apartment. I had barely spoken two sentences to Aurora when I dropped her off at her apartment and headed straight home. Things had been going pretty smoothly at dinner with Ludovic until he'd asked when we were going to get married. I hadn't been ready for that question. Ishouldhave been ready for that question. I should have known better than to go in only half prepared and I only made it worse when Aurora went to the restroom.
