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Enzo filled my glass then his own and I took a sip while he served the meal from takeout containers onto the fine China plates. I caught the logo on one of the boxes from one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city.Even his taste in takeout is expensive.

“This smells wonderful.”

“Good. Please, dig in.”

I took a bite of my chicken and hummed with delight at the complex flavors of the seasoning combined with a creamy sauce. “This is amazing.”

"I'm glad that you like it."

We talked casually through our entire meal, just taking time to get to know each other. We were just finishing dessert when Enzo's phone went off.

He pulled his cell from his pocket and checked the caller ID. “I'm sorry. I really have to take this.”

“It's no problem.” I smiled and waved him off.

He stood from the table and started walking off before turning back to me. “Why don't you take the wine into the living room, and I'll meet you there as soon as I'm done?”

“Okay.” I grinned as he walked out of the room.

I gathered the glasses and a bottle of wine and took them to Enzo's living room which somehow managed to be elegant and cozy all at once. I poured a glass of wine for each of us, slipped off my shoes, and curled my feet up under me on the plush couch to make myself comfortable.

I sipped on my wine, waiting, when there was a knock on the door. Enzo said that the doorman let him know before someone came up, so the person at the door had to be someone that he knew. I glanced in the direction Enzo had disappeared. I didn't want to bother him while he was on the phone, so instead I went to the door.

A second knock made me jump as I opened the door. A large, muscular man stood there in black jeans and a black button-down shirt, looking like someone from a fashion magazine but with something rougher about his features. His brow knitted together as he looked down at me curiously.

“Who are you?”

“I'm Aurora. And you are?”

“Luca. What are you doing here, Aurora? Where's Enzo?” Luca stepped past me into the apartment before I had a chance to invite him in.

“Oh, he just stepped into the other room to take a call.”

“Okay.” Luca seemed just as confused as he had been when I first opened the door. “So, I know your name but who are you in relation to Enzo?”

“Oh, I'm sorry.” I recalled what Enzo had told me about how to introduce myself, so I put on my best confident smile. “I'm his fiancée.”

“Fiancée?” Luca let out a single laugh. “Enzo doesn't have a fiancée.”

I forced my smile to stay on my face, hoping that Enzo would come back into the room soon.

“I assure you that he does and that’s me.”

“If that’s so, where's the ring?” Luca challenged, nodding toward my bare ring finger and I wrapped my other hand around my fingers self-consciously.

“We haven't gotten it yet.”

“And why not? Who are you really?” He looked at me suspiciously and took a step forward.

I took a step back, my heart rate picking up.

“She's my fiancée,” Enzo answered as he came into the room. “Luca, it's good to see you. I've been trying to get in touch with you.”

“My charger broke on the plane and my phone died. We really should have extra chargers on the jet.”

“I'll make sure to recommend that to Matteo next time we talk.”

“Forget about the chargers. When did you get a fiancée?”
