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“What could he have possibly said to her?”

“I don’t know. Play the tape.”

The tape played through and to my horror, I watched helplessly as Aurora climbed willingly into his car.

“Why would she have gone with him? What could he have said to make her go?” I asked, not actually expecting an answer.

“Do you think he threatened her?”

“She didn’t look in distress. She actually looked calmer getting into his car than she had before.”

“So where would he have taken her?”

“I don’t know.” My phone rang. I glanced at the caller i.d. to see an unknown number and answered it. “Ciao?”

“Ciao,Enzo.” Romano’s voice came through the line in a casual lit and I squeezed the phone so hard that I thought it might break.

“What did you do with Aurora?”

“Who? Oh, you mean the little whore who means nothing to you?” His tone was mocking as he repeated back the words I’d used to try to convince him to leave Aurora alone.Was that what she had heard? Was that why she left so upset?

“Romano,” I warned, and he chuckled.

“She’s safe. For now. Poor girl was so upset when I found her crying in the parking lot. Pretty little things like her should be better attended, don’t you think? Anyone could have picked her up off the side of the street. Although, I suppose in her line of work, she’d be used to that.”

“You bastard. Let her go.”

“Oh certainly. I will gladly have my men return her to you as soon as you announce that you will be removing yourself from consideration for the open spot in the council.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“You’re being difficult, Enzo. If you don’t do exactly as I say, I will be forced to hold onto your little plaything. It’s no trouble to keep her, really. She is quite beautiful. I wouldn’t mind a littlequalitytime with her anyway.”

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” I roared in the phone, but Romano just laughed.

“Oh, I’ll do a lot more than touch her. So will my men. But don’t worry, I’ll return her to you once she’s well used.”

“Domenico...” I growled out a warning.

“Or I can have one of my men return her to you in the same condition that I found her. The choice is yours.”

“How do I even know you have her? Let me talk to her.”

Domenico let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Here. Speak,” he commanded someone on the other end of the line, and I heard a quiet sniffle of someone crying.

“Enzo?” Aurora’s voice quivered and my heart jumped in my chest.

“Aurora? Aurora, are you okay?”

“I’m okay. Just scared. He took me to—”

“That’s enough of that.” Domenico’s voice interrupted. “Now, you know she’s okay...for now. If you want to keep her that way, then you will do exactly as I say.”



“Yes, I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt her.”
