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"What the hell—guys, wake up."

The others stirred, finally jumping awake as they realized something wasn’t right.

"Where are we?" "What happened?” The guys rattled off a series of questions all at once.

"I don't know. What's the last thing any of you remember?"

"Going to bed," Matteo answered.

Alessandro nodded. "Same.”

"Me too."

“We were drugged,” Luca blurted out. “How else would they have moved us from our beds without us remembering anything and without us waking up?”

“He’s got a point but why would Fabbri have drugged us?” Alessandro asked.

“Aurora,” I said as a sense of dread took over me. “She was going to leave with us but now she's there with him, alone.”

“But he's her father. I'm sure she'll be fine.”

“Maybe but I'm not willing to take that chance. If he was willing to drug us and drop us off on the side of the road somewhere—" The sound of a car's fast approach interrupted me.

A black SUV raced straight for us. Before we could get out of the car, they rammed into us and sent Alessandro’s car flying off the edge of the road and down the embankment.

We didn’t stop until the car crashed into a cluster of trees with a loud metallic crunch.

“Everyone okay?” Matteo barked and we all answered in unison.

The sound of gunfire started from far away but soon bullets were raining down on the car.

“We have to get out of here,” Alessandro called from the driver seat.

“How do you propose we do that without getting shot?” Luca asked as he felt around for his gun.

“We don't know if the car’s leaking fuel and with those bullets throwing sparks like that, we could end up a lot worse than being shot if we don’t move.”

“Good point but I can’t find my gun.”

I felt around my waistband and around the seat but came up empty. “Mine’s gone too.”

“He set us up,” Matteo nearly growled.

“That son of a bitch...” I started.

“I’ve got more weapons. Check under the seats and the glove box.” Leave it to Alessandro to be well armed.

After collecting guns from around his car, we all managed to have a pistol each. One bullet broke through the window, barely missing Teo.

“We have to get out of here, now.”

We climbed through the side facing away from the men shooting at us so that the car acted as a shield. One of the men up ahead was a large, monster of a man. There was something very familiar about him. I aimed my gun and pulled the trigger, realizing where I’d seen him before just as his body jolted back and landed on the ground.

“I know that big guy. The one I just took down,” I called out over the hail of bullets.

“Who is he?” Teo crouched behind the rear door and took a shot through the shattered window.

“He’s one of Romano’s men.”
