Page 100 of Mated to Monsters

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“You’re very good with him,” he praises. “He’s lucky to have you.”

I gaze at Akos’ slight form, buried under the blankets. “I’m lucky to have him, too,” I point out. “He reminds me of…”

I trail off, not wanting to say it out loud. But Rej’thorek knows what I was going to say. He pulls me to his chest and sighs.

I rest my head against him, sighing too.

It never goes away, the stinging reminders of all my mistakes. There’s nothing that I can do to change what I’ve done, nothing that will correct the past or assuage my guilt. I know that I’ll have to find a way to make my peace with the situation somehow. But it feels impossible most of the time.

At least Rej’thorek is patient and understanding. He recognizes that this is a source of grief and does his best to support me through the pain.

Can I really have this happiness, after what I did to my friends? Do I deserve it? I survived the arena and the attack from Yedina. Was that the price I had to pay?

Am I absolved yet?

I don’t know. I wish I did, but I don’t. I don’t have any answers. Cora still won’t even speak to me.

I can’t blame her, but sometimes I think if I could just talk to her one last time, it might help me gain some clarity. I know I likely won’t get her to accept my apology. That might be wishful thinking that I can never see realized.

It just feels like I need closure. We walked away from each other, and that was the end. I need to know how she’s doing. I need to know if she still hates me.

I need to know if she’s happy.

With my head resting against his chest, Rej’thorek runs one hand through my hair. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

I shake my head, the same way I always do. Then I pause, looking up at him, as a thought strikes. “You know what? Yes. I want you to help me see my sister.”


“Help me see my sister,” I repeat, more insistent this time. The idea is growing on me, and I wonder why I didn’t think of it before. “You knew the demon that she mated with. The Kennel Master. I want to see them both, one more time.”

I wait with bated breath, anxious for his response. We both already know that I won’t give up until he agrees. But I’d rather not have to convince him, and I nervously hope for an emphatic ‘yes.’

He stops playing with my hair, instead tracing his hand down the length of my arm. When he reaches my hand, he takes it in his own. Then, lifting my hand to his face, he presses a gentle kiss into the palm of my hand.

“I will arrange a meeting,” he promises. “Not tonight, but soon.”

I gaze up at his open, honest face, and know that he means it. This is a promise that I can depend on. The breath that I’ve been holding escapes, and my shoulders relax. I didn’t realize just how tense I was.

“Tonight,” he begins, a smirk on his face. “Tonight, I want to make you forget your troubles.” He bends down to press a line of kisses down my neck. I close my eyes, sighing a little to myself. Then, still holding my hand, he tugs me down the hall toward the bedroom.

The second that the door shuts behind us, he pulls me into his arms again. Strong arms encircle me, leaving no space between us, and his mouth comes down to claim mine.

I reciprocate the kiss, closing my eyes. Behind my closed eyelids, everything goes hazy and shimmering gold.

My heart is beating so fast that it startles me.

He finally breaks the kiss, pulling himself away from my lips to nibble on my sensitive neck. My knees are beginning to feel weak at his administrations. There’s a tingly feeling that only he gives me, beginning in my center and spreading in a wave to my fingers and toes.

His long fingers slide up my shirt, tugging gently until it is pulled up and over my head. His eyes sweep up and down, taking me in and lighting up with desire.

His head bows, his lips skimming gently over one of my nipples. Unconsciously, I arch my back, giving him easier access. With a charming grin, he complies, dragging his tongue and teeth across one nipple, and then the other.

He stops just long enough to lift me into his arms, carrying me across the room to the bed. Then, straddling my hips, he begins all over again. His lips are working to make me as pliant as possible, and it’s working.

I nearly melt into the mattress.

His lips find mine, and he lingers for a moment, scouring me with his passionate kisses. Then he continues, blazing a trail down to the hollow of my neck. Then, his lips move further south, capturing my nipples once more. He draws one, and then the other, into his mouth, making me moan with delight.
