Page 230 of Mated to Monsters

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It’s only when those tiny snores begin again that I ease from the room, shutting the door softly behind me. With a satisfied smile, I turn and begin heading for the kitchens.

I’m hardly halfway there when I hear the triplet’s voices rising and falling, cascading over one another like water.

Damn it, I told them not to overwhelm her, I think as I pick up the pace, rounding the final corner of the hall leading to the kitchen.

“Aren’t you so surprised?” Elincia asks excitedly.

“Just wait until you see what we have for you!” Tanulia adds.

“It’s too early to be awake,” Valindra moans as I finally get into the kitchen. My eyes immediately find Natalie, still swaddled in her thick robe and curled into a kitchen chair. She smiles softly at me, amusement dancing across her face as the girls continue to chatter over one another.

“You don’t have to be awake if you’re going to be in a sour mood,” Elincia snipes at her sister.

“I’m just saying no one should have to be conscious at this hour,” Valindra retorts, rolling her eyes.

“Alvech’s just a baby, he can’t help it,” Tanulia offers softly.

“Alright, alright,” I growl at the girls, crossing the room to sit beside Natalie. “I thought we agreed that this would be a calm, quiet event,” I say, throwing them each a pointed look.

Elincia– as always– ignores me, clapping her hands together excitedly.

“Now that everyone’s here, we can finally show you your surprise!”

Natalie gives the four of us a quizzical look, and I just smile at her, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

The girls pull forward three trays with dramatic flourishes, all smiling widely at Natalie– even Valindra. Flat, honeyed cakes pile on one of the trays, topped with airy whipped cream and berries. Another is filled with bite-sized savory pies filled with eggs and various cheeses and meats, and on the third is an arrangement of various fruits and cheeses, all of Natalie’s favorites, and all doled out in heavy portions.

I sneak a glance at my mate, her dark eyes shining with unshed tears as they look between us.

“What is all this?” She asks, reaching forward to shove one of the small, savory pies into her mouth. I stifle a laugh, Valindra jumping in before anyone else can speak.

“We thought we’d surprise you! Alvech takes up so much of your time, and you’re always so tired, so we wanted to do something nice!”

“I suggested we make the pies,” Elincia announces, her chest puffed with pride.

“We all thought you could use a little pampering,” I cut in before the girls can begin bickering again.

“Aw, you guys,” Natalie murmurs, her voice thick– whether from the food still in her mouth or emotion, I can’t tell. A few tears escape and roll down her cheeks as the girls rush forward, wrapping her in a pile of gangly grey arms and heaps of praise.

“Don’t cry!” Tanulia soothes.

“She’s crying because she’s happy,” Valindra tells her.

“I know that, but I still hate to see her cry,” Tanulia says defensively.

“Let her breathe, girls,” I remind them with a smile. In truth, these are the moments I live for. Natalie has been a wonderful maternal figure to the girls. A part of me worried that when we had a child of our own, their relationship may become strained, but the opposite has happened– the girls treasure Natalie even more now, jumping in to help with Alvech however they can, and Natalie seems to adore them endlessly for it.

I get to my feet, grabbing a plate and piling it high for Natalie as the girls begin to get their own helpings, back to chattering amongst themselves.

When I sit down next to Natalie again, she gives me a confused look, although it doesn’t stop her from taking bites of her food.

“What?” I ask softly, my voice nearly drowned out by the noise the girls are making.

“How did you know I’d be in here?” She asks, her voice muffled by the cakes. This time, I don’t hold back a laugh, reaching forward to pinch her full cheek adoringly.

“You’re always in the kitchen these days, and thankfully Alvech has decided to become a bit more predictable in his schedule,” I tell her. “You eat anything that’s not nailed down to the counter when you wake up.”

Natalie makes a noise of indignation, swatting at me, but the grin on her lips betrays her.
